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FAH – CCHC Lecture Series :Patriotic Sentiments in Macao’s Culture

01/16 (Tuesday) @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC Lecture Series :Patriotic Sentiments in Macao's Culture Categories : Seminar / Lecture Organizer : FAH – Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Speaker : Prof. ZHU Shoutong Date : 16 January 2024 Time : 14:00 - 16:00 Venue : Yuet Wah College Target Audience : Students and teachers ofYuet Wah College Language : Mandarin Contact Person for Details Name : The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Tel. No :…

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FAH – CCHC Lecture Series : Selected Readings from Classical Works of Four Treasuries Study

01/08 (Monday) @ 4:40 pm - 5:40 pm

Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC Lecture Series : Selected Readings from Classical Works of Four Treasuries Study Categories : Seminar / Lecture Organizer : FAH – Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Speaker : Prof. TANG Keng Pan Date : 8 January 2024 Time : 16:40 - 17:40 Venue : Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School Target Audience : Students and teachers ofPremier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School Language : Cantonese Contact…

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CCHC: Exhibition of Ye Zhongqiao on the topic of South China Lychee Leaves

2023/11/22 @ 8:00 am - 2023/12/07 @ 5:00 pm

Event Information Event Name : CCHC: Exhibition of Ye Zhongqiao on the topic of South China Lychee Leaves Categories : Activity Organizer : Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Date : 22 November to 7 December 2023 Time : 9:00 - 17:30 Venue : Room G016, Cultural Building, Exhibition and Multi-function Hall (E34) Target Audience : All are welcome   Contact Person for Details Name : Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Tel. No : 8822 2708 Fax…

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FAH – CCHC : Opening ceremony of the exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of the publication of ‘The Scream’ and Lu Xun Literature and Chinese Culture Academic Symposium

2023/10/20 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

  Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC : Opening ceremony of the exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of the publication of 'The Scream' and Lu Xun Literature and Chinese Culture Academic Symposium Categories : Conference / Symposium, Activity, Student Activity Organizer : Beijing Luxun Museum, FAH – Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) and Research Centre for Humanities in South China Date : 20 October 2023 Time : 15:00 - 18:00 Venue : 2/F, Sky Garden of…

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FAH – CCHC : Like — Exhibition of Donated Works by Xu Guixun (University of Macau)

2023/10/12 @ 9:00 am - 2023/10/31 @ 5:30 pm

  Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC : Like -- Exhibition of Donated Works by Xu Guixun (University of Macau) Categories : Activity Organizer : FAH – Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Date : 12 October to 31 October Time : 09:00 ~ 17:30 Venue : Room G016, Cultural Building, Exhibition and Multi-function Hall (E34) Content : Opening Ceremony Date: 12 October 2023 Time: 15:00 pm – 16:30 pm Venue: Lobby, Cultural Building (E34) Exhibition Period…

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FAH – CCHC : International Academic Conference on Great Power Academics and Yangyi’s perspective

2023/09/23 @ 9:30 am - 7:00 pm

  Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC : International Academic Conference on Great Power Academics and Yangyi's perspective Categories : Conference / Symposium Organizer : FAH – The Centre for Chinese History, Culture and Research Centre for Humanities in South China Date : 23 September 2023 Time : 9:30 - 19:00 Venue : VOOV Meeting (ID: 383-028-009) Target Audience : All are Welcome   Contact Person for Details Name : Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Tel.…

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2023/09/04 - 2023/09/28

大賽主題:澳門大學中國歷史文化中心第二屆「中國文化節」系列活動之「十分澳門」短視頻創作大賽以“十分澳門”為主題,旨在弘揚、繼承中華優秀傳統文化,突顯澳門以中華文化為主流、多元文化並存的獨特性,增進澳門學生對木土文化的理解和認同。參賽者可自行選擇澳門深層次、具有本土文化的事或物進行拍攝,並介紹其歷史內涵; 主辦單位:澳門大學中國歷史文化中心 參賽要求:  (a)資格 澳門高校學生及中國文化推廣大使; 參賽者須以個人或不超過五人的隊伍形式組成參賽單位,每一參賽單位只可遞交一份作品,參賽者不可重複組隊;  (b)作品要求 參賽視頻長度:5分鐘內; 格式:MPEG/MP4/MOV; 製作工具:不限拍攝器材,手機、攝像機等均可使用; 解析度:720p以上; 字幕:中文; 檔案大小:不大於視頻平台要求;  (c)報名方式 將視頻作品上傳至Bilibili,並確保視頻鏈接有效; 附視頻作品簡介(約150字),語言為中文; 按報名表格填妥相關報名信息 ; 日期: 報名日期:請於2023年9月4日(一)至9月28日(四)期間在網上(填寫及提交Google Form)或親臨澳門大學中國歷史文化中心(E34-G001/G026)提交報名表(附件一及附件二)。報名成功後會獲發參賽序號; 活動章程及報名表格(可下載) 請於2023年10月5日(四)至10月24日(二)將作品上載至Bilibili,並確保視頻鏈接有效;參加視頻需命名爲【“十分澳門”+ 參加隊伍序號 + 參加隊伍名稱 +  作品名稱】 獎項: 一等獎二名(組),獎金為澳門元2,500 二等獎二名(組) ,獎金為澳門元2,000 三等獎四名(組) ,獎金為澳門元1,500 得獎作品將在安排在Bilibili平台播放,以宣揚澳門文化; 評審:主辦單位將組相關專家學者成立評審委員會; 參加須知: 由委員會對參賽活動的作品進行綜合評審,並於截止前遞交作品,10天後公佈得獎名單; 參賽者需承擔參加是次比賽的所有拍攝費用,包括但不限於作品的製作費。有關此等費用,參賽者同意不會對主辦單位提出任何賠償,要求及申訴;同時,主辦單位不會彌償或接受任何申索; 參賽者須保證所提交之資料為真實且正確,不得冒用他人資料或冒名頂替參加。如有不實,不正確資料,或被檢舉證實者,將被取消參賽資格; 參加此次活動評選的作品,澳門大學中國歷史文化中心擁有展示、使用權,但作品如出現以下行爲之一的,將被取消參加及獲獎資格: 涉及與中華人民共和國及澳門特別行政區法律法規相抵觸的內容; 涉及不恰當色情、暴力、血腥、反動思想等不良內容以及其它違反道德底線的內容; 涉嫌抄襲、剽竊、侵犯他人作品及著作權; 參與本次活動並提交作品,即視爲同意將該參加作品的版權提供給澳門大學中國歷史文化中心所有; 如參賽者短片包含任何音樂元素,必須符合以下條款: 參賽作品中採用的圖像、音樂、聲音或片段,必須為參賽者本人的原創作品,並無侵犯他人版權或任何權益。 參賽者必須確保其參加短片中所選用的音樂並没有涉及任何版權問題,若任何參賽短片違反或侵害版權,主辦單位概不負責。 澳門大學中國歷史文化中心擁有本次活動的最終解釋權。 查詢:如欲了解更多有關本中心舉辦之活動,請瀏覽https://cchc.fah.um.edu.mo/ 如對本次比賽有任何疑問,歡迎與中國歷史文化中心何小姐或唐小姐聯絡,辦公電話:88229956/ 88224028,電郵:cchc_adm@um.edu.mo。  

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FAH – CCHC : “Review and Prospect of Lin Yi’s Video Works” Art Appreciation Meeting and Academic Conference

2023/08/17 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
澳門大學聚賢樓多功能廳 (N1-G014)

  Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC : "Review and Prospect of Lin Yi's Video Works" Art Appreciation Meeting and Academic Conference Categories : Conference / Symposium Organizer : FAH – Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Date : 17 August 2023 Time : 15:00 - 18:00 Venue : Multi-function Hall, UM Guest House (N1-G014), University of Macau Target Audience : All are welcome Language : Mandarin   Contact Person for Details Name : Centre for Chinese…

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FAH – CCHC : Opening Ceremony of 2023 Greater Bay Area Visual Arts Experts Exhibition (Macau Region)

2023/08/05 @ 9:00 am - 2023/08/15 @ 5:30 pm

Event Information Event Name : FAH – CCHC : Opening Ceremony of 2023 Greater Bay Area Visual Arts Experts Exhibition (Macau Region) Categories : Activity, Student Activity Organizer : FAH – Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Date : 7 Aug to 15 Aug 2023 Time : 09:00 – 17:30 Venue : Room G016, Cultural Building, Exhibition and Multi-function Hall (E34) Content : Opening Ceremony Date: 5 August 2023 Time: 15:00 pm – 17:30 pm Venue: Lobby, Cultural Building…

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FAH-CCHC: “Celebrating Chinese Music in Macao” – A Cultural Exchange Journey of the Wuxi Student Chinese Orchestra from Jiangsu to Macao

2023/07/07 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

  Event Information Event Name : FAH-CCHC: "Celebrating Chinese Music in Macao" - A Cultural Exchange Journey of the Wuxi Student Chinese Orchestra from Jiangsu to Macao Categories : Activity, Student Activity Organizer : Macao Ji Zhou Music Culture Art Exchange Association Co-organizer : FAH - Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) Date : 7 Jul 2023 Time : 19:00 - 21:30 Venue : Theatre G001, Student Activity Centre (E31) Target Audience : All are Welcome   Contact Person…

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