Academicians attend forum on science, arts, and humanities at UM

The Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau, recently organised a forum on science, arts, and humanities. Academicians in the related fields from mainland China and Hong Kong, as well as professors from UM, attended the forum. They explored the close relationship between science on the one hand, and arts and humanities on the other, as well as the future of these disciplines. Participants also had an in-depth discussion on the core values of human civilisation.

For the full version, please refer to the Chinese version.

Academicians attend a forum on science, arts, and humanities at UM

The inscription written by the academicians for UM

A group photo





UM holds second forum on Chinese culture

UM holds its second forum on Chinese culture
to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the New Culture Movement

The University of Macau (UM) recently held its second forum on Chinese culture to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the New Culture Movement. Co-organised by UM’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) and the Think Tank of United Citizens, the event attracted more than 80 writers, experts, and scholars from mainland China, Macao, and overseas. During the event, participants discussed the influence of the New Culture Movement and how it has contributed to the contemporary development of Chinese history and culture.

For full version, please visit the Chinese version.