UM holds First International Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture

The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau (UM) held the First International Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture. The forum brought together experts, scholars, and leading figures in the field of Chinese medicine from around the world to discuss the close connection between health and Chinese medicine.

Zhu Shoutong, director of CCHC, said in his speech that, Chinese medicine is a treasure of traditional Chinese culture, hoping that the forum would enable participants to discover new values in the Chinese cultural system by bringing together Chinese medicine and traditional culture. Li Peng, deputy director of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences at UM, said that Chinese medicine does not only represent an industry that the Macao SAR Government has focused on in recent years, but also is a research field that the university greatly supports. He added that the forum could take advantage of Macao’s role as a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and the West, and promote Chinese medicine on the international stage.

The forum featured Maha Guru Anand, a Malaysian practitioner of Chinese medicine and an international yoga instructor, as a speaker. Maha Guru has extensive experience in both medicine and yoga and is dedicated to promoting physical and mental health education. He mentioned that Chinese medicine deserves more attention in the medical field as it can explain the complex relationships between different parts of the human body. During the forum, experts and scholars held in-depth discussions and exchanges on various topics, such as the integration between Chinese medicine and natural medicine, and the development trend of Chinese medicine in the context of technological advancement.


聚焦未來發展與影響力提升 ——中國歷史文化中心2024年學術委員會年會順利召開








UM signs cooperation agreement with Sacred Heart Canossian College on promotion of Chinese history and culture

The Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau (UM) and Sacred Heart Canossian College (SHCC) signed a cooperation agreement on the promotion of Chinese history and culture. SHCC is the 13th school in Macao to join UM’s base for the promotion of Chinese history and culture. According to the agreement, the two parties will jointly organise a series of outreach activities to promote Chinese history and culture in Macao, deepen students’ understanding of Chinese history and culture, and cultivate talent who love the country and Macao.

The agreement was signed by representatives of UM and SHCC. Li Defeng, associate dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, said that the agreement will provide students of SHCC with more opportunities to learn about Chinese history and culture, and cultivate affection for home country and cultural confidence among them. So Ying Suen, principal of SHCC, expressed hope for future cooperation between the two parties, such as more outreach activities to promote Chinese culture.


Fan Weiqun Purple Sand Clay Teapot Art and Fan Family Pottery Excellent Works Tour Exhibition in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area Officially Opens

On March 21st, 2024, “Chinese Intangible Heritage – Yixing Clay Teapot ‘Excellence of Teapot’ Fan Weiqun Purple Sand Clay Teapot Art and Fan Family Pottery Excellent Works Tour Exhibition in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area” was officially opened by Macau Jiangsu Province Overseas Friendship Association, Yixing Ceramics Industry Association and Wuxi Overseas Friendship Association, and hosted by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture(CCHC) of University of Macau (UM) and Yixing Fan Family Ceramic Art Co. With the core concept of “Intangible Cultural Heritage – Peace – Culture – Inclusion – Inheritance”, the exhibition showcases more than 150 pieces of original Clay Teapots by Master Fan Weiqun, a representative heir to the National Intangible Cultural Heritage, and his team of masters, which highlights the brilliance of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in the institution of higher education. The exhibition will be on display until March 27, 2024.

The exhibition was organized by Fan Weiqun, a representative heir of intangible cultural heritage and a master craftsman of Jiangsu Province, who led a group of masters from the Fan Family Workshop to Macao. The exhibition activities included a presentation of the production techniques of purple sand pottery, tea ware and tea art experience, purple sand, paintings and calligraphy exchange, an academic report of purple sand, a cultural lecture on purple sand and so on. Those activities are designed to kindle their interest in traditional Chinese culture and enhance their understanding of Chinese culture so as to make them learn and love intangible cultural heritage in a relaxing and interactive way.

At the opening ceremony, PANG Chap Chong, Dean of Students of UM, FAN Weiqun, distinguished master of pottery, Shi Juntang, President of Yixing Ceramics Industry Association, Ma Da, Honorary President of Jiangsu Arts and Crafts Association, Xie Qiang, representative of the masters, and ZHU Shutong, Director of CCHC of UM, delivered speeches. PANG said in his speech that this exhibition coincides with the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return, which is not only a promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also a deepening of cultural exchange and cooperation between Jiangsu and Macao. FAN Weiqun said that he looked forward to in-depth collaboration with more cultural institutions, universities experts and scholars to jointly promote the internationalization of the purple sand art, so as to make this treasure of Chinese culture shine more brightly on the world cultural stage. ZHU Shoutong pointed out in his speech that in the current context of promoting the excellent traditions of Chinese culture, the significance of purple sand pottery is increasingly prominent in modern cultural development, showcasing exceptional research value.

At the opening ceremony, WONG Kei, Director of Rector’s Office and other representatives of UM, presented certificates of appreciation to FAN Weiqun and other participating artists. Fan Weiqun also led the guests to visit the exhibition and had in-depth exchanges on the production, the ceramic carving and decoration of purple sand teapots, and tea art performance. During the seminar after the opening ceremony, the guests and scholars discussed the development of the culture of purple sand teapots, which strengthened the understanding of the culture of purple sand among the teachers, students of UM and other visitors. Zhu Shoutong also presented Fan Weiqun with a certificate of “Supervisor of Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador” of the CCHC to jointly promote the inheritance and development of purple sand art and culture at UM.

The guests who attended the opening ceremony also included CHUI Sai Cheong, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Vice-President of the Legislative Assembly of Macao; LU Bo, Deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress and President of the Macao Daily News; SAM Chin Peng, President of Macau Jiangsu Province Overseas Friendship Association; KUNG Po Mei, President of Macao Calligraphy Association; ZENG Zhihui, Permanent President of Associação da Arte do Chá de Macau; LOK Hei, President of the Macau Artist Society; and WANG Jian, Executive Vice-President and Secretary General of Jiangsu Provincial Association of protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage; SONG Jiangen, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Jiangsu Arts and Crafts Association; XU Jianrong, Vice President of Jiangsu Arts and Crafts Association and Director of Yixing Zisha Craft Factory; CHEN Hongbing, President of China Medical System Holdings Limited; GUO Tongchun, Chairman of Wuxi Shengqian Investment Company Limited; Gu Shaopei, Ji Yishun, and Xie Qiang, masters of Chinese arts and crafts and Fan Zefeng, master of ceramic arts of Jiangsu Province; HU Ke, member of the National Urban Sculpture Art Committee and Vice President of Yixing Pottery Association; LI Defeng , representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities(FAH); WONG Seng Fat, Interim College Master of Cheng Yu Tung College; LEUNG May Yee, College Master of Choi Kai Yau College; YANG Liu, master of Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College; TAM Sik Chung, Interim College Master of Shiu Pong College; Lampo LEONG, director of the Center of Arts and Design; Billy LEUNG, Assistant University Librarian; CHEANG Neng Ian, deputy director of CCHC; SIO Chio Ieong, Director of Academic Research Division of CCHC; WEI Chuxiong, Emeritus Professor of FAH, etc.

















第八屆“世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會”澳門閉幕 各地作家學者聚首探討華文旅遊文學













會議期間,氣氛熱烈。其他出席會議的嘉賓包括台灣著名作家李昂、新加坡著名作家尤今、《散文選刊》主編葛一敏、 韓國外國語大學榮譽教授兼博導朴宰雨等。

Feng Zikai’s Art World “Teaching with Love” – Feng Zikai’s 125th Birthday Anniversary Exhibition: Discover the Deeper Meaning of Feng Zikai’s Art

On 1st March 2024, Feng Zikai’s Art World “Teaching with Love” – Feng Zikai’s 125th Birthday Anniversary Exhibition and Symposium was held at the Centre of Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau (UM), Cultural Building(E34). The event was organized by Zero Distance Cooperative, co-organized by the CCHC of UM and the Macau Cultural Transmission Development Association and sponsored by the Cultural Development Fund of the Macao SAR.

Under the theme of “Teaching with Love”, the exhibition introduces Feng Zikai’s art design of books and his passion for children’s art education. At the opening ceremony, Mr. William Koi, President of the Macau Cultural Transmission Development Association, said that it is of special significance to hold the exhibition in 2024, which is the 100th anniversary of the publication of Feng Zikai’s first comic book. He hoped that through this exhibition and symposium, visitors would gain a deeper understanding of this great artist and his important position in the history of modern Chinese culture. Cheang Neng Ian, Deputy Director of the CCHC of the UM, said that Feng Zikai is not only a literary scholar, painter and educator, but also a cultural envoy across generations.

His works combine the profound traditional Chinese culture with the essence of modern art, serving as a bridge for cultural exchange and transmission. “Teaching with love” is not only Feng Zikai’s educational philosophy, but also the core of his artistic creation and philosophy of life. Feng Yu, president of the Feng Zikai Research Association and the grandson of Feng Zikai, said that “Teach with love, learn with dedication” fits well with the University of Macau. This sentence was not only the embodiment of Feng Zikai’s experience, but also the credo he lived by throughout his life. After the opening ceremony, Feng Yu, Lo Wai Lik, Qu Weigang and Cheang Neng Ian presented wonderful reports on Feng Zikai’s artistic creation, artistic thinking and cultural education research and dissemination in the symposium. Meanwhile, a number of experts and scholars shared their own research and understanding, and enhanced their understanding of Feng Zikai in the full discussion.

Guests who attended the opening ceremony included Fok Wai Lan, the Director of Macau Government Tourism Office; Huang Oi, Director of the Funding Supervision Department of the Cultural Development Fund; Van Poulon, Acting Director of the Division of Visual Art of Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC); Wang Mingqian, representative of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) Office in Macao; Lo Wai Luk ,Artistic Director of Prospects Theatre Company Ltd. and screenwriter and director of the play Feng Zikai; Fong Wai Peng, Head of 10 Fantasia – A Creative Industries Incubator; Sik Chung Tam, Acting Master of the Shiu Pong College, UM; Shen Hanming, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), UM and Kung Zhaowei, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education (FED), UM.

The exhibition of Feng Zikai’s Art World “Teaching with Love” displayed about sixty paintings in the Exhibition Hall of the Cultural Building (E34), UM until March 15, 2024.


Group Photo


Speech by William Koi

Speech by Feng Yu

Speech by Cheang Neng Ian

Fung Yu spoke at the symposium

Exhibition Venue

Exhibition Venue

Exhibition Venue


Recruitment: 3nd Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador

To cultivate enthusiasm for Chinese history and culture and enhance the knowledge of excellent Chinese traditional culture, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) at the University of Macau is launching the “Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador” training program. This program includes share meetings, symposiums, lectures, seminars, and exchange programs, striving to make students become the backbone force committed to the dissemination of Chinese history and culture. The term of the Promotion Ambassador is two years and is renewable.

Organizer: The Centre for Chinese History and Culture, University of Macau

※  Program Purpose

  • Enhance awareness of the history of China and Macao;
  • Improve the cultural education of students;
  • Inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture;
  • Strengthen patriotism and cultivate affection for Macao by becoming a Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador.

※  Requirements

  • University students in Macao (including undergraduate and graduate students)
  • Interested in Chinese history and culture;
  • Student who are responsible, actively participate, and have a high level of commitment.

※  After joining successfully, you could have the opportunities to:

  • Obtain the certificate of ” Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador”;
  • Participate in the study organized by the CCHC;
  • Join in exchange and other activities held by the CCHC

※ Enquiries:

Ms. Fong Ho of CCHC
Tel: 8822 2708; Email:
*The Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau has the right to interpret and modify the program

Art Appreciation and Symposium on Review and Prospect of Lin Yi’s Video Works held successfully at the University of Macau

On 17th August 2023, the Review and Prospect of Lin Yi’s Photographic Works Art Appreciation and Academic Symposium, co-organised by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau (UM), Macau Musical and Art Exchange Association ,the Associação de Intercâmbio Cultural de Macau, Hao Kong Daily , Beijing Oulin Times Culture […]