Recruitment: 3nd Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador

To cultivate enthusiasm for Chinese history and culture and enhance the knowledge of excellent Chinese traditional culture, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) at the University of Macau is launching the “Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador” training program. This program includes share meetings, symposiums, lectures, seminars, and exchange programs, striving to make students become the backbone force committed to the dissemination of Chinese history and culture. The term of the Promotion Ambassador is two years and is renewable.

Organizer: The Centre for Chinese History and Culture, University of Macau

※  Program Purpose

  • Enhance awareness of the history of China and Macao;
  • Improve the cultural education of students;
  • Inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture;
  • Strengthen patriotism and cultivate affection for Macao by becoming a Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador.

※  Requirements

  • University students in Macao (including undergraduate and graduate students)
  • Interested in Chinese history and culture;
  • Student who are responsible, actively participate, and have a high level of commitment.

※  After joining successfully, you could have the opportunities to:

  • Obtain the certificate of ” Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador”;
  • Participate in the study organized by the CCHC;
  • Join in exchange and other activities held by the CCHC

※ Enquiries:

Ms. Fong Ho of CCHC
Tel: 8822 2708; Email:
*The Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau has the right to interpret and modify the program

Art Appreciation and Symposium on Review and Prospect of Lin Yi’s Video Works held successfully at the University of Macau

International Symposium on the Transmission and Exchange of Chinese Culture in Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries was successfully held at the University of Macau

Expanding Horizons and Exploring AI —— The Fourth Macao Forum on Humanities and Social Science Education held Successfully

Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of UM held the “The Fourth Macao Forum on Humanities and Social Science Education — Basic Education of Macao in AI Era: Challenges and Revolution” on December 14, 2023 at the Cultural Building (E34) Hall of UM. The Forum aims to provide a platform for educators to discuss issues related to science and technology and education, with a view to broadening their horizons and providing a reference for the application of AI in the basic education of Macao.

Zhu Shoutong, director of the CCHC, first extended a sincere welcome to all the educators. He said the development of AI technology poses great challenges for primary and secondary education and even higher education in the humanities and social sciences. This forum fully integrated reality as well as theory, and specific issues with depth were discussed. The experiences and reflections shared by the participants are also of great significance and value to the development of the Macao education sector.

Zheng JieZhao, principal of the Lou Hau High School said that the current AI technology has influenced the teaching of individualized learning, automation evaluation, courseware production, drawing pictures, intelligent management, students’ learning styles and so on. He also talked about the new change in teacher’s roles as well as the new demand for teacher training in the future, and the possibility of collaboration between teachers and AI.

Chan Kin Pong, principal of Kwong Tai Middle School, introduced the basic situation of higher education and basic education in Macao. He pointed out that education in AI era should focus on cultivating students’ comprehensive capabilities of emotional intelligence, critical thinking ability and creativity. Pay close attention to employment market demands to serve students and maintain the vitality of innovation and creativity in the education sector.

‘The AI era has created new challenges for basic education in Macao, but also provided opportunities for educational revolution.” said Professor Wang Sihao of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH), UM. He maintains that adapting to change, cultivating students’ core competence and safeguarding data privacy are the major problems facing basic education.

Other guests who also attended the forum included Han Xu, principal of Escola Ofical de Seac Pai Van, Hu Yong Xin, vice-principal of Colégio Mateus Ricci, Luo Jianfeng, principal’s assistant and director of Central Services of Pui Ching Middle School, Choi Fengming executive officer of Escola Santa Maria Mazzarello, Zhu Congying,  principal’s assistant of Escola São Paulo, Wong Sam, director of subjects of Yuet Wah College, Chen Jiaxin, director of academic affairs of Escola Fukien, Zhao Qichao, head of the Department of Information of Escola Secundária Pui Va, Zhuang Weixian, head of the division of Information Technology of Escola Secundária Pui Va, Yuan Jiajun, director of Escola Kao Yip, Shen Zhenggang and Zhang Boen, teachers from Pui Ching Middle School, Qiu Yuejin, President of Global News, SIO Chio Ieong Director of Academic Research Division of the CCHC, FAH of UM and so on.

The 2nd Short Video Creation Competition Full Love Macao Comes to a Successful End

The award ceremony was held at the Cultural Building (E34) on the afternoon of 24th December, 2023 (Tuesday). With the theme of Full Love Macao, the 2nd Short Video Creation Competition was one of series activities of Chinese Cultural Festival organized by Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences and Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC). It aimed to spread and develop the excellent traditional Chinese culture, highlighting the uniqueness of Macao with the mainstream Chinese culture and the coexistence of diverse cultures, enhancing Macao students’ understanding and recognition of the local culture.

There was active participation of Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador and other students of Macao’s universities, shooting many laudable videos. In the end, two first prize teams, two second prize team and four third prize teams were selected after a fair, professional and rigorous evaluation for two months.

At the award ceremony, the guests presented certificates and cash prizes to the winners. At the same time, the first prize work “This is very ‘Macao’ 《這很“澳門”!》” and “Rhyme of Fishing in Macao《澳門漁韻》” were played for the audience to enjoy on the scene.

There were many important guests who attended the event including Prof. ZHU Shoutong, Director of CCHC; Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, Deputy Director of the Centre; Prof. SIO Chio Ieong, Director of Academic Research Division; Prof. YEUNG Siu Kwai, Director of Editorial and Publication Division; Mr. Hon Iok, Principal of Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van; Mr. Chan Kin Pong, Principal of Escola Kwong Tai; Mr. Zheng Jiezhao, Principal of Escola Secundária Lou Hau; Mrs, Wu Wingyan, Vice- Principal of Colégio Mateus Ricci (Secundário) and etc.






Name of Works


First prize


Second prize


Third prize



Mr. Zheng Jiezhao (Principal of Escola Secundária Lou Hau) took a group photo with the first prize winners



Mr. Chan Kin Pong (Principal of Escola Kwong Tai) took a group photo with the first prize winners


Mr. Hon Iok (Principal of Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van) took a group photo with the second prize winners


Mr. Hon Iok (Principal of Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van) took a group photo with the second prize winners


Mrs, Wu Wingyan (Vice- Principal of Colégio Mateus Ricci (Secundário)) took a group photo with the third prize winners


Mr. Hon Iok (Principal  of Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van) took a group photo with the third prize winners


Mrs, Wu Wingyan (Vice- Principal of Colégio Mateus Ricci (Secundário)) took a group photo with the third prize winners


Mr. Hon Iok (Principal of Escola Oficial de Seac Pai Van) took a group photo with the third prize winners


UM Open Day 2024- The Centre for Chinese History and Culture successfully held ‘Calligraphy Badge Workshop’

The Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau (UM) held an event, called ” Calligraphy Badge Workshop ” on the Open Day. The Centre took advantage of calligraphy, which originated in ancient China, to let participants experience the beauty of Chinese traditional arts, improve calligraphy skills, and inherit Chinese culture.

In order to make the participants more interested and more deeply involved in the exploration of traditional culture, the workshop arranged the production of bookmarks and badges. Under the guidance of the Calligraphy Association of the Postgraduate Association of the UM, visitors learnt how to make their own souvenir by themselves and adjust their works from an aesthetic and art perspective.

This activity not only exercised the students’ hands-on ability, but also allowed them to have a deeper understanding of the essence of traditional calligraphy.



Zhuhai Historical and Cultural Study Group: Love the Country, Love Macao·Pass the Flame

Zhuhai Historical and Cultural Study Group: Love the Country, Love Macao·Pass the Flame

On December 8, 2023, the second Festival of Chinese Culture series “Love the Country, Love Macao · Pass the Flame” Zhuhai Historical and Cultural Study Tour was successfully launched. The event was hosted by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), UM. The group consisted of 15 undergraduates, postgraduates and Chinese cultural promotion ambassadors from the UM, led by Prof. YEUNG Siu Kwai, Director of Editorial and Publication Division and Dr. LAO Keng Chong, Master’s Program Instructor of CCHC. The tour aims to better enable Macao teachers and students to enter the mainland China, experience the profound national culture, and enhance national consciousness and national identity.

In the morning, the group visited the ancient Jiexia Villages of Zhuhai, Fang Yi Temple, as well as architectural clusters which are located in Doumen Town, Nanmen Village with rich overseas Chinese culture, a long history of overseas Chinese houses, abundant resources, unique Southern Song Dynasty royal family heritage and Lingnan style as a whole. This place is an important base for learning and inheriting the culture of overseas Chinese and carrying forward the spirit of overseas Chinese. Teachers and students of the group were immersed in the strong cultural atmosphere and cultivated patriotism as well as enterprising spirit.

In the afternoon, the group went to the Yang Paoan Museum. In the Museum, the group listened carefully and read the life story of Yang Paoan, and deeply felt the revolutionary spirit of the martyrs of the labor movement who were loyal to the Party and had strong faith in the revolution. The group also recollected the red stories of the martyr Yang Paoan who protected faith with his life and actively participated in the revolutionary struggles with courage and dedication, and felt the patriotism and spirit of the revolutionary predecessors who sacrificed themselves in order to pursue the truth and justice and dedicate to the revolutionary cause.

During this study tour of Zhuhai’s history and culture, Macao teachers and students were able to study the famous history and culture of Zhuhai, to understand and experience the essence of the overseas Chinese culture and the red culture, to further deepen their understanding and knowledge of Chinese culture, which expands the influence of China’s history and culture.


Extraordinary memories and stimulating forces: Macao teachers and students went to Guangzhou to study Lingnan culture and pass on the red genes

From 8th to 10th December 2023, the Advanced Study Workshop on Lingnan Culture for Hong Kong and Macao Students was jointly organised by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture(CCHC) of the University of Macao (UM) and the Colégio Diocesano de São José (5ª) in Guangzhou. The workshop, led by Cheang Neng Ian, Deputy Director of the CCHC of the UM, and Mr. Lam Ka Tat, teacher of Colégio Diocesano de São José (5ª), was attended by 23 students from Colégio Diocesano de São José (5ª) in Macao. The workshop took the form of practical experience and lectures, leading the students to have an in-depth experience and understanding of the essence of Guangzhou’s red culture and Lingnan culture.

At the first day, the study group first visited the Comrade Mao Zedong’s Memorial Hall at the former site of the Peasant Movement Workshop. The students visited the various exhibition areas of the commemorative museums in a reverent mood, admired the historical relics and materials, listened carefully to the revolutionary story behind the historical relics, and revisited the revolutionary forefathers of the extraordinary years, and deeply felt the patriotic passion and national spirit of the Chinese nation. Then the study group went to visit the Nanyue King Wen’s Mausoleum, through the exhibition hall guided tours and on-site visits, combined with the collection of cultural relics and historical information to experience the tomb owner’s court life before the millennium, feel the Flesh-and-blood historical figures.

Then the study group visited the site of the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Guangzhou Uprising Memorial Hall in the following days. Under the guidance of the lecturers, they were able to experience the noble pursuit of ideals and beliefs as well as the perseverance and loyalty to the revolutionary cause of the revolutionary ancestors through the use of artefacts, pictures and information. In addition, teachers and students also went to Jinan University to listen to the lectures of the Institute of History and Culture of Hong Kong and Macao of Jinan University, and experienced the colourful culture of Lingnan in the sharing of the lecturers.

Through the Advanced Study Workshop on Lingnan Culture for Hong Kong and Macao Students, Macao students and teachers and students of the CCHC were able to gain a deeper understanding and experience of the essence of the Red and Lingnan cultures, and further enhance their understanding of Chinese culture. At the same time, this activity also promoted exchanges and interactions between teachers and students from Guangdong and Macao, fostered exchanges and cooperation between Macao and other cities in the Greater Bay Area, promoted Macao’s education and the inheritance and development of local culture, and expanded the influence of Chinese history and culture.

Retracing the Long March: The University of Macau’s Study Camp Continues the Immortal Spirit of the Long March

From 20th to 25th December 2023, the “Guizhou – Zunyi Red Culture Study Camp”, jointly organised by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Macau (UM) and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture, was successfully carried out. The team received strong support from the UM and a warm welcome from the people of Guizhou. There were 36 participants from the postgraduates of  Master Programme for Chinese History and Culture of UM, teachers from Macao Primary and Secondary Schools of Chinese History and Culture Promotion Base, and Macao Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassadors. The purpose of this study tour is to let the Macao teachers and students retrace the path of the Red Army’s Long March, to learn the spirit of the Long March, to experience the vastness and depth of Chinese culture, and to enhance national awareness and pride. During the five days, the team toured the Xijiang Thousand Houses Miao Village, the Chinese Miao Culture and Art Museum, visited the Red Army’s Four Crossings of the Chishui River Memorial Museum, the Xifeng Concentration Camp, the site of the Zunyi Conference, and visited the Qingyan Ancient Town, etc., to gain a deeper understanding of Guizhou’s red culture as well as the characteristics of the local folklore and culture.

On the 20th December, the study team toured  the Xijiang Thousand Houses Miao Village, which have 1285 Miao families of wooden foot-hanging buildings built on the mountain and water, layer upon layer. Instead of a village, it is more like a forest of hammock buildings, spreading from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, wrapping the whole mountain tightly. Here is known as Chinese Miao Culture and Art Museum, is the study of the Miao history and culture of the “living fossil”. On this tour, the team has learnt about the long history of the Hmongb in China, and felt the cultural characteristics of the Hmongb, and their national self-confidence has been increasing.

On 21st December, the team came to Danzhai Wanda Town, which is a town based on the traditional characteristic architecture of the Hmongbo and Gam groups. As the saying goes, “Danzhai on the clouds, the great beauty of the non-heritage”. The team could have a great experience of the historical and cultural core of Danzhai’s minority nationality customs. Then, the team learnt about the intangible cultural heritage of “batik making”, exchanged ideas face-to-face with the “representative bearer of the indigo dyeing craft”, and participated in the millennium batik experience, completing the various processes from drawing patterns, dyeing, rinsing and dewaxing, etc., and gradually revealing the patterns to the final appearance of the batik. As the pattern gradually appeared, the beautiful pattern was finally presented, the students and teachers felt a sense of achievement and pride.

Afterwards, the team went to visit Qingyan Ancient Town, a “5A Grade Scenic Spot”. In the ancient Qingyan Ancient Town, there were locals wearing national costumes, and a variety of weird and wonderful vendors, and the team couldn’t help but get into this kind of cozy life. The traditional buildings in the lanes and alleys, and the mysterious folk customs were enchanting.

On 22nd December, the team went to visit Xifeng Concentration Camp. Xifeng Concentration Camp was the largest secret prison for communists and patriotic progressives set up by the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance to insist on the reactionary policy of “passive anti-Japanese and active anti-communist”, and was one of the four major concentration camps set up by the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance to the Japanese, along with Bai Gongguan(Chongqing ), Zhazidong Concentration Camp(Chongqing ), and Shangrao Concentration Camp(Jiangxi). During this visit, the team deeply understood the revolutionary martyrs’ indomitable and resolute spirit of resistance and struggle, and they expressed that they would inherit the martyrs’ legacy, carry forward the spirit of the martyrs, and strive for progress in their future study and life.

On 23rd December, the team visited the Red Army’s Four Crossings of Chishui River Memorial Park, which is mainly composed of a memorial tower, a relief wall, a ferry monument and an exhibition gallery. In the Memorial Park, the team learnt about the whole process of cross the Chishui River four times, and realised how difficult it was for the Red Army to achieve the great success of the Four Crossings of Chishui River.

Afterwards, the team arrived at The Pass of Mount Lou, the “Battle of The Pass of Mount Lou” was the key battle of the Zunyi Battle, and the first major victory of the Red Army since the Long March.

On 25th December, the team visited the Zunyi Conference site. The Zunyi Conference was a life-and-death turning point in the history of the Communist Party of China, which established the new central leadership group represented by Mao Zedong. The exhibition hall, conference room, revolutionary cultural relics, historical information and historical photos in the Zunyi Conference site let the team have a deep understanding of the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who were courageous in struggle, indomitable and not afraid of sacrifice. It also let them  learn about the red history of the Zunyi Conference during the long march of 25,000 miles, Cross Chishui River four times with ingenious military move and other red histories in order to carry on the revolutionary traditions of the Zunyi Conference. Also, the revolutionary culture is used to disseminate and nourish the socialist core values. It will also open up broader prospects for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

By the “Guizhou – Zunyi Red Culture Study Camp”, the team explored the red history of Guizhou, for having in-depth understanding and experience of the essence of Guizhou culture. This activity is a trip to inherit the revolutionary spirit and continue the red gene, which promotes the knowledge of the students on Chinese history and culture, and the indispensable red revolutionary culture.

Culture: Nanchang’s Roots and Memories Red Study and Exchanges

From 16th December to 21st December 2023, the Roots – Memories Red Culture Study Activity Red Culture Study Tour commenced, jointly organised by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau (UM) and Nanchang University (NCU). This event is one of the series of activities of the 2nd Festival of Chinese Culture, which is actively supported by the UM and warmly welcomed by the teachers and students of NCU. A total of 11 students and teachers from the UM, including postgraduate students of Chinese History and Culture and Macao Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassadors, participated in the study tour.

The purpose of this study tour is to help the Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassadors establish a positive view of history, country and culture by participating in the red culture study activities, which is led by Prof. SIO Chio Ieong, Director of Academic Research Division of the CCHC. At the same time, the activity aims to build a platform for cultural exchanges between the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, and to help students of the UM to gain a deeper understanding of the red culture and history of Jiangxi, and to appreciate the charm of the land of Gan Po (Jiangxi). Through exchanges and co-operation, students of Jiangxi and Macao  deepened their understanding of the Greater China region and their sense of responsibility, and built cross-regional friendships in which they jointly explore future development directions and co-operation opportunities.

The project adopted the mode of “6 online lectures + 6 days of on-site research”, leading the teachers and students of the UM to visit 11 places in Jiangxi both online and offline, and to deeply experience the unique charm of Jiangxi. The choice of ELEVEN for the activity is unique, representing the eleven municipalities in Jiangxi, and coinciding with the National Day, which also means Memories. Through the lectures to introduce the representative cultures of the eleven municipalities in Jiangxi, and then through the on-site research, the students were led to understand in-depth the red, green, earth tone and golden cultures of Jiangxi, which awakened the memories of the students and teachers of the Chinese nation and raised their Chinese national identity, and further stimulated their sense of national pride.

During the trip, Nanchang University organised Macao teachers and students to visit Nanchang and Ji’an in Jiangxi Province for field study and practice. These included the Flag Raising Ceremony at Bayi Square, Museum of August 1 Nanchang Uprising, Tengwang Pavilion, Nanchang University Museum of History, Nanchang Relic Museum for Haihun Principality of Han Dynasty and VR Theme Park, as well as on-site study of red culture in the old revolutionary areas such as Jinggangshan. Through practical exchanges, Hong Kong and Macao students gained a deep understanding of the red, green, earth tone and golden cultures of Jiangxi, further strengthened the Chinese cultural identity and Chinese national identity, consolidated  the sense of community for the Chinese nation, and cultivated a sense of nationalism and contemporary responsibility among Macao students.