CCHC Visited Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School

On the afternoon of 16 May 2022 (Mon), members of Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) including Deputy Director Cheang Neng Ian, Principal Admin Officer KUAN Sio In and Admin Staff Tong Ho Kei visited Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School for discussion of future collaboration opportunities and were warmly greeted by Principal Lao Lai Mui of Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School, and other leaders and teachers. During the visit, the two sides had an in-depth exchange and discussion on mutual understanding and future cooperation.

Firstly, Deputy Director Cheang briefly introduced the concept, resources and activities of Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences and CCHC, and invited the leaders and teachers of Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School to attend the next Macao Forum on Education in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Deputy Director Cheang introduced the Centre and the Base

Principal Lao Lai Mui also explained the current status of Our Lady of Fatima Girls’ School in promoting Chinese culture and said that the school’s mission has always been “to love our people and promote our outstanding traditions”. For example, the annual “Chinese Culture Week” is co-ordinated and designed by different subject groups to enhance students’ awareness and recognition of Chinese culture in a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary manner.

Principal Lao Lai Mui introduced the school

Afterwards, Principal Lao Lai Mui affirmed the Centre’s efforts in promoting Chinese culture and made suggestions on the promotional activities to be carried out by the Centre. She expressed her expectation that the Centre could launch more Chinese cultural study tours after the Covid-19 epidemic and allow local students to participate in the study tour of the excellent Chinese traditional culture to explore the civilisation and culture of the surrounding areas. Deputy Director Cheang expressed his agreement to the suggestions made by Principal Lao Lai Mui and believed that the suggestions would have a positive impact on the future development of the Centre.

Souvenirs exchanged between the two parties Group photo of the participants

The Training Program of Chinese History and Culture Ambassadors Started

The lectures, “The Way of Bringing Macao Culture to the World” and “Talk of Yellow Emperor Culture”, were held in G019 of E34 (Cultural Building), from 4 to 6 PM on April 4 (Monday). Both of these lectures were organized by Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC).

The first lecture, “The Way of Bringing Macao Culture to the World”, was presented by Mr. JIANG Ye, deputy secretary general of China Foundation for the Development of Social Culture (CFDSC) and keynote speaker of the short video “Introduction to Masters (Dashi Chunqiu)”. Prof. ZHU Shoutong presided over this activity. Many scholars and well-known persons attended this lecture, including Prof. ZHANG Jiuling from Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM), Ms. CHAN Peng Peng, chairman of the Think Tank of United Citizens of Macao, Prof. Agnes, LAM Iok Fong, director of Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) of University of Macau (UM), Prof. ZHANG Meifang, master of College Cheong Kun Lun. Chinese History and Culture Ambassadors of CCHC also participated in this activity.

Since the 4 years’ “Macao Forum for Chinese Culture” (jointly held by CCHC and the Think Tank of United Citizens of Macao) have already fully explored the native culture of Macao, Mr. JIANG Ye in this lecture extended this topic and turned to reflect on how the Macao culture could be further internationally known. Mr. JIANG Ye firstly reiterated the view of “from Universal Harmony to Universal Love”. He then talked about “the meanings of learning history” and “how to create history”, and proposed some strategies of bringing Macao culture to the world. Mr. JIANG Ye also explained Macao’s special position in the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture under the policy of “One country, two systems”. He deemed it instructive to further promote Macao culture under the idea of ZHANG Zhidong (the minister in late-Qing Dynasty) that Macao culture should possess its “Chinese essence and Western utility”.

Prof. LAM Iok Fong said that this lecture much inspired her, because in the past, scholars often emphasized the value of foreign culture that influenced Macao while neglecting the effects of Chinese culture. And that is what the future research of Macao Studies should focus on. Prof. ZHANG Jiuling Professor Zhang Jiuling also called on Macao teenagers to strengthen the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation. The Chinese History and Cultural Ambassadors present all agreed.

Then, during the lecture “Talk of Yellow Emperor Culture”, the keynote speaker WANG Youyi praises the commitments of Chinese History and Culture Ambassadors to this activity. Before this lecture, CCHC held the ceremony to worship the Yellow Emperor. And the ambassadors have been highly praised by the organizers for their great help and enthusiasm for traditional culture.

Mr. WANG Youyi then introduced the ancestor worship ceremony, how the Yellow Emperor created Chinese civilization in various aspects, and how the Yellow Emperor unified China from the perspective of sociology and folklore. In the end, Mr. WANG Youyi concluded with “The blood of the same ancestor is thicker than water, and the love of the same Chinese nation is as heavy as a mountain”. The lecture drew a satisfactory end in a round of applause.

The Calligraphy Club of the UMPA held a “Tea with Professor Zhu Shoutong” on April 12

(Forward) On April 12, 2022, the Calligraphy Club of the UMPA is honored to invite Professor Zhu Shoutong, head of Department of Chinese Language and Literature and director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture, to hold a “Tea with Professors” event at Lui Chi Woo College.

In this activity, Professor Zhu Shoutong held a unique sharing session for the students based on his own understanding and experience of calligraphy. The title of his speech is “Calligraphy Talk”, which covers the origin of calligraphy and the culture of calligraphy, as well as the influence of calligraphy on life.

Prof. Zhu also welcomes students to visit the Centre for Chinese History and Culture in UM, so as to learn more about traditional Chinese culture and history.

Finally, we would like to thank Professor Zhu Shoutong again for coming to share with us as an advisor of the Calligraphy Club of the UMPA. We also thank Lui Chi Woo College for providing the venue. We hope this event can bring students different harvests and have more understanding and interest in Chinese traditional calligraphy.

Activity photo: Professor Zhu Shoutong, director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture (the 3rd person from the right)


CCHC Visited Sheng Kung Hui Choi Kou School (Macau)

In order to enhance the contact with Macao’s primary and secondary schools and to gain a better understanding of their needs for humanities and social sciences education, members of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau, including Director Zhu Shoutong, Principal Admin Officer KUAN Sio In, and Admin Staff Ho Sok Fong, visited Sheng Kung Hui Choi Kou School (Macau) in the morning of May 5, 2022 (Thursday) met and discussed the cooperation with school’s Principal Chan Chi Kwan, Principal Assistant Wu Wai Cheng, Director Wong Man Bo, Director Tou Un Man, and Ms. Chao I MAN.


Principal Chan Chi Kwan of Choi Kou School said that the school attaches great importance to history and culture education for students, which coincides with the efforts made by the Centre, and hopes to explore better education methods with the support of the Base in the future. Subsequently, Principal Assistant Wu Wai Cheng, Director Wong Man Bo, Director Tou Un Man, and Ms. Chao I MAN also made pertinent suggestions on the construction of the Base and gave an outlook on the future direction of cooperation between the two sides.


The Director of CCHC, Prof. Zhu Shoutong, hoped to take this opportunity to establish a solid relationship with Choi Kou School and listen to the suggestions of front-line educators on the series of activities of CCHC, such as the “CCHC LECTURE SERIES”, so that they can better meet the needs of primary and secondary school students. In addition, Director Zhu also pointed out that the further improvement of the academic level of the “Forum of Macao Humanities and Social Sciences Education” depends on the support of primary and secondary school educators with rich practical experience, and invited the leaders and teachers of Choi Kou School to take the time to participate in the next forum in order to facilitate high-quality exchanges.


CCHC Visited Saint Paul School Macau

On the afternoon of May 5 2022, the Deputy Director, Dr. Cheang Neng Ian, Principal Admin officer Ms. Kuan Sio In and admin staff Ms. Tong Ho Kei from the UM Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) visited Saint Paul School Macau.

Fr. Athanasius Chan appreciated the efforts of CCHC

Dr. Cheang Neng Ian introduced UMHSS

The visiting group from CCHC received a cordial welcome from the Principal Fr. Athanasius Chan, the discipline leader of History and Geography Man Lai Fong, and the teacher Ms. Li Fang of Saint Paul School. Then Dr. Cheang Neng Ian briefly introduced the CCHC and the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Science and the various activities jointly held by the Centre and Base. And Fr. Athanasius Chan said that Saint Paul School has also been committed to promoting Chinese history and culture in recent years. He believed that cooperation with the Base can strengthen the students’ enthusiasm to further explore Chinese history and culture.

Finally, Fr. Chan and Dr. Cheang both agreed that the teaching in the future is to cultivate young talents who love Macao and China and understand Chinese culture. Only such talents can better be devoted to the long-term development of the Greater Bay Area and the country.

Group photo

Professor Zhu Shoutong Served as the Online Assessor of the First “Celebrating Traditional Chinese Culture” Project

On May 4, 2022, Professor Zhu Shoutong, Director of the Center for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau, was invited to participate in the online assessment of the first “Celebrating Traditional Chinese Culture” project. The project is hosted by the Organizing Committee of the China Education Innovation Achievements Welfare Exposition and the China Education Innovation Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, attracting the active participation of more than 2,000 students from universities, middle and primary schools from more than 20 provinces (cities and districts) across the country. By focusing on the theme of “Celebrating Traditional Chinese Culture”, the activity carried out innovative practice of Chinese excellent traditional culture education pointing to core literacy, with cultural understanding and inheritance literacy as the core, focusing on students’ critical thinking literacy, innovation literacy, communication literacy and cooperation literacy , to guide teachers and students to establish a correct view of history, country, and culture, stick to the position of Chinese culture, strengthen cultural self-confidence, enhance cultural awareness, and enhance cultural responsibility.

CCHC visited Macao Lou Hau High School

Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, deputy director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), University of Macau, Ms. KUAN Sio In, Principal Admin Officer, and Ms. HO Sok Fong, Admin Staff, visited the Lou Hau High School on Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

The visiting activity was warmly received by Principal Zheng JieZhao, Ms. Lei, Head of Chinese Language Department of the School, and Mr. Wong, Head of History Department of the School. Firstly, Dr. CHEANG introduced the purpose and intention of the establishment of the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Science and the CCHC, as well as a series of activities such as academic forums, lectures by famous teachers and famous schools, and art exhibitions held in the past. Afterwards, the two sides had an interactive dialogue. Principal Zheng mentioned that in the future, he would encourage students to contribute more articles to the Macao Teenager’s Newspaper, so as to cultivate their interest in writing; while Ms. KUAN also promoted the cultural exchange group of CCHC to Principal Zheng, which enables students feel the beauty of Chinese culture.

In the end, both sides expressed their support for future cooperation and hoped to join hands to strive for more cooperation space and opportunities in the subject of literature and history.

CCHC Visited Escola Secundária Técnico-Profissional da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau

On the morning of April 21, 2022 (Thursday), Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, Deputy Director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau, Ms. KUAN Sio In, Principal Admin Officer, and Ms. HO Sok Fong, Admin Staff, and other centre members visited the Escola Secundária Técnico-Profissional da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau.

Under the warm reception of Principal LOI Kat Sat and Director WONG Kuong Lun of the Escola Secundária Técnico-Profissional da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau, Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, Deputy Director of CCHC, first briefly introduced the concepts, resources, facilities and previous activities of Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Science and CCHC. Afterwards, Principal Loi elaborated on the school running and educational purpose of the school. He also pointed out that since the education of the senior high school focuses on science and technology, he hopes that through the cooperation with the base, the students of the school will have a deeper understanding and identification of Chinese traditional culture.

The two sides had a pleasant conversation and discussed the future direction of cooperation. Finally, CCHC presented a silk banner to Escola Secundária Técnico-Profissional da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau and other centre’s publications such as the “Macao Teenager’s Newspaper”.

The entrance of Escola Secundária Técnico-Profissional da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau

CCHC presented a pennant to Escola Secundária Técnico-Profissional da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau

Principal Admin Officer of CCHC KUAN Sio In (first from left), Deputy Director CHEANG Neng Ian of CCHC (second from left), Principal LOI Kat Sat (second from right) and Director WONG Kuong Lun (first from right) exchanged views on future cooperation.

Principal LOI Kat Sat (first from left) and Director WONG Kuong Lun (first from right)

CCHC staff visited the Escola

A Complete Success of “Literary, History and Geography Quiz Competition”

On April 30, 2022, the “Literary, History and Geography Quiz Competition” co-organized by the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Science, Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau was successfully held at CDSJ5 school hall. Prof. ZHU Shoutong, Director of CCHC, and Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, deputy director, came to watch the competition and served as judges.

Before the start of the competition, Principal WONG Kin Man of CDSJ5 had a cordial conversation with Prof. Zhu and Dr. Cheang. Prof. Zhu presented Principal WONG with souvenirs from CCHC, including the bound edition of the “Macao Teenager’s Newspaper” edited by centre and the centre’s flag, and took a group photo. Afterwards, Principal WONG also introduced the situation of CDSJ5 to the teachers of CCHC. CDSJ5 is a traditional Catholic school with a history of nearly 90 years. The school facilities are complete, the school spirit is rigorous, and the school discipline is strict. At the same time, it has the educational concept of balanced development in education based on the spirit of the Catholic doctrine of “faith, hope, and love”, and combined with the essence of traditional Chinese culture to help students in spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetics.

First, the participating students prayed with the teachers and students who watched the competition, and then Professor Zhu delivered a guest speech. Professor Zhu introduced the work of CCHC and expressed the hope to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with CDSJ5 to jointly build the Macao’s characteristic culture that “the Central Plains Culture is the mainstream, and the multiculturalism coexists”. At nine o’clock, the contest officially started. Six teams composed of high school freshmen and sophomore students entered the finals and started the final peak showdown. The competition is novel and diverse, divided into compulsory questions, situational questions and quick response questions. The topics of the competition across time and boundaries, which are rich and colorful, involving astronomy, geography, history, literature and other aspects. At the scene of the competition, each participating team showed strong on-the-spot reaction ability and rich knowledge reserve. The accuracy of the answers was extremely high, and it was hard to decide on the winner. In the end, the championship, runner-up and third runner-up were determined through extra play. President WONG, Professor Zhu and other guests presented awards to the winning teams.

In his speech, Principal WONG thanked CCHC for its strong support for this event, and affirmed the significance of this event in promoting Chinese history and culture. The event achieved results that exceeded expectations and was a complete success.

Through this activity, the teachers and students of CDSJ5 have gained a lot. This competition not only aroused the students’ enthusiasm for learning and stimulated their interest in knowledge of literature, history and geography, but also allowed them to better understand their hometown, motherland and the whole world in a subtle way, so as to laid a solid foundation to truly become high-quality talents that loves Macao and the country in an all-round way.

  Prof. ZHU presented souvenirs to Principal WONG

Teachers and students prayed before the competition

Prof. ZHU Shoutong gave a speech

Principal WONG gave a speech

Group photo of Prof. ZHU, Principal WONG, other judges and award-winning students

Teachers and students of CCHC visited the National Security Education Exhibition

Teachers and students of CCHC visited the National Security Education Exhibition

In order to carry forward the theme of “strengthening the overall national security concept and realizing the national security achievements in the new era”, the Macao SAR Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region jointly held the 5th National Security Education Exhibition for All Citizens.


The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of University of Macau has been committed to cultivating the patriotic feelings of Macao’s younger generation and enhancing their legal awareness of safeguarding national security. In order to further strengthen the national sovereignty and national security awareness of Macao youth, and actively cooperate with the central government in carrying out national security publicity and education activities, CCHC sent a group to the exhibition led by Professor Zhu Shoutong, director of CCHC, Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, deputy director, and Miss KUAN Sio In, Principal Admin Officer, on the afternoon of April 18th, and organized students to visit and study.


This “National Security Education Exhibition for All Citizens” is divided into six parts. It focuses on showing that under the guidance of the “overall national security concept” put forward by Xi Jinping, the General Secretary, China has made overall plans for development and security, calmly responded to the great changes and the Covid-19 epidemic, promoted national security in the new era and made a series of great achievements, as well as various measures and achievements of the Macao SAR government to safeguard national security and promote the principle of “one country, two systems” steadily. It enables the broad masses of citizens to look back on the development of the country and Macao SAR in the past year, feel the achievements of national security in the new era, consciously fulfill the responsibility of safeguarding national security, make concerted efforts to consolidate the good situation of “patriots governing Macao”, and jointly safeguard national security and the prosperity and stability of Macao society.


Through this exhibition, the teachers and students of CCHC have a deeper understanding of “national security”. In future, CCHC will continue to implement the “overall national security concept”, actively participate in various work to safeguard national security, and ensure that the practice of “one country, two systems” in Macao is stable and far-reaching.