“The Experience of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in the University of Macau” Completed Successfully

“The Experience of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in the University of Macau”, jointly organized by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (FAH-CCHC) of UM and Global Chinese Ancestral Association, was held in E34 (Cultural Building) on the afternoon of March 28, 2022. Many scholars and experts on intangible cultural heritage from Henan and Macao attended the activity, along with local media representatives and nearly 100 UM students.

The activity began with a speech by Professor Xu Jie, dean of FAH. Xu Jie spoke highly of Henan’s great contributions to the development of Chinese culture in his speech. Wang Youyi, a writer and executive president of the Global Chinese Ancestral Association, gave an introduction of China’s intangible cultural heritage project and pointed out that this activity could offer UM teachers and students an opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the significance of excellent traditional Chinese culture and intangible cultural heritage. In this activity, five scholars on Chinese intangible cultural heritage presented souvenirs to University of Macau, including: Wang Fawan, the 25th generation inheritor of Dongyuan movable-type printing, Zhang Jizhong, an inheritor of Zhuxian New Year’s xylograph, Wang Ke, an inheritor of stone rubbings, Li Li, an inheritor of Shangqiu paper cuttings and Song Changhong, the 6th generation inheritor of Bianjing kite. Professor Zhu Shoutong, on behalf of UM-CCHC, also returned souvenirs to those scholars and inheritors on intangible heritage.

Afterwards, there was an exhibition session in E34 (Cultural Building), where teachers and students can closely participate in the making process of Chinese intangible cultural heritage art and have face-to-face conversations with those inheritors. Wang Yihan, the Chinese cultural promotion ambassador and a student of FAH, said that this activity brought intangible cultural heritages in various forms to Macao, which could broaden UM students’ vision and increased their knowledge about traditional culture.

This activity is one of the series of activities in honor of Xuanyuan Huangdi in Macao this year, and marked a successful start.

The Successful Holding of Lecture on Cross-border Data and Culture

On 24 March 2022, the Center for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau held a lecture on Cross-border Data and Culture in the Lecture Hall G011 of Cultural Building. The distinguished speaker of the lecture is Professor Zhiming Cai, the Head of Academic Affairs Office and Professor of the Faculty of Data Science of the City University of Macau.


This lecture talks about a series of problems, such as the differences in regulations, politics, economy, trade and mutual trust between different places, resulting in the inability of cross-border data, the inability of cross-border systems to interconnect, and the sovereign conflict between systems and data. Professor Cai pointed out that different political and cultural backgrounds affect the cross-border authorized use of personal data. In addition, cultural differences are an important problem for Chinese big systems and Chinese enterprises to go overseas. At the same time, Professor Cai mentioned that the advantages of “one country, two systems”, multiculturalism and China-Portugal platform have brought important opportunities to Macao.


This lecture attracted UM students’ active participation, who enthusiastically exchanged ideas about data and cultural topics with Professor Cai during the lecture.

The “Chinese New Year Lantern Carnival 2022”

The “Chinese New Year Lantern Carnival 2022”, jointly organized by The UM Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), the Calligraphy Club, the Literature Club and the Culinary Art Society, took place at E31 Student Activity Centre Plaza, on the evening of 16th February, 2022. Nearly 200 students, teachers and visitors came to participate in […]

UM holds opening ceremony for selection of winners of Luxun Teenagers Literature Award

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Chinese History and Culture held an opening ceremony and a press conference for the selection of winners of the Luxun Teenagers Literature Award. The event collects outstanding entries from college and secondary students from Macao, and a panel of judges comprised of leading literary scholars from Macao and mainland China will select the winning entries for the national competition. This event has been held for 12 consecutive years, attracting a total of 10 million students from 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and 11 overseas regions.

UM holds opening ceremony for selection of winners of Luxun Teenagers Literature Award

Zhu Shoutong receives the certificate of appointment 


A group photo

“The Second Macau Forum on Education in Humanities and Social Sciences – Construction of Campus Culture in extraordinary times” Completed Successfully

On 15 Dec, 2021, “The Second Macau Forum on Education in Humanities and Social Sciences – Construction of Campus Culture in extraordinary times” (organized by FAH-CCHC) was held successfully in E34-G019.

Ho Yu, principal of Escola Xin Hua, said at the forum that Escola Xin Hua takes “one centre, one platform and one base” as the main criterion to construct the campus culture of school and encourage the teachers and students therein to learn more about Chinese history and culture. At the forum, the principal of Kwong Tai Middle School, Chan Kin Pong, mentioned the campus construction of Kwong Tai Middle School, hoping that teachers and students can have “vigour, health and determination” in their work and study, so that campus staff and students of Kwong Tai Middle School can expose their competence, talents and qualities to the society.

Professor Zhang Jiuling showed the techniques for chanting poetry in the forum. Prof. Zhang told the attending guests that The Book of Songs is in nature more musical than literal. Hence teaching students chanting techniques can also help them deepen their understanding of Chinese history and culture. Professor Sun Jianrong wished that primary and secondary schools in Macao could introduce the Western ideas and principles as the teaching method, as the international schools are doing, but still should keep the characteristics of Chinese culture into the construction of campus culture. He also wished that the campus culture of schools in Macao could be eclectic, helpful and unique for students in their 12-year compulsory education.

The forum on “Construction of Campus Culture in Extraordinary times” completed successfully in an engaging discussion among principals and professors.

The guests attending this forum include: Ho Yu, principal of Escola Xin Hua, Chan Kin Pong, principal of Kwong Tai Middle School, Prof. Zhang Jiuling from Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM), Fan Yimin, director of Journal Foco Macau, Prof. Yang Bin from Department of History of FAH of UM, Sun Jianrong, Dean of University International College (UIC) of Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST), Prof. Tam Mei Leng, Prof. Wang Mingyu and Prof. Ma Wan Cham from Department of Chinese Language and Literature of UM-FAH, Prof. Yeung Siu Kwai from Faculty of Education (FED) of UM, Prof. Chen Zhong from Confucius Institute of UM, Ms. Xu Huifang and Mr. Calvin from Faculty of Business and Administration (FBA) of UM, Dr. Cheang Neng Ian, Deputy Director of  CCHC and more than 30 Chinese cultural promotion ambassadors of FAH-CCHC.

“China Cultural Promotion Ambassador 2022 promotion work prospect Symposium” Completed Successfully

“China Cultural Promotion Ambassador 2022 promotion prospect Symposium” was successfully held at the CCHC on December 17, 2021. At the symposium, Dr. Zheng Ningren, deputy director of the CCHC, first introduced the general situation of the CCHC to the promotion ambassadors, focusing on the construction of “five centers”, namely promotion activity center, education and training center, academic exchange center, academic research center and publicity and promotion center. And then Dr. Zheng explained the regulations on the work of Chinese culture promotion to the ambassadors, so that the promotion ambassadors can be familiar with the work direction and content of the center. He wished that the promotion ambassadors could carry out promotion activities quickly and better. Professor Zhu Shoutong, director of CCHC, put forward three goals for the future work of the promotion ambassador: first, to become a welcoming group on the university campus; second, to become an influential force in the center activities, and third, to become colleagues of the center. Professor Zhu Shoutong hoped that the ambassadors could do their best to promote Chinese culture, and that the ambassadors could put forward positive opinions on the promotion of the center. During the exchange session, the ambassadors actively offered their opinions and suggestions for the promotion of Chinese culture. At the end of the symposium, the participating ambassadors took a group photo with the center staffs.

The Plan to Cultivate the Masters of Humanities & Social Science Education in December 2021 Completed Successfully

To enrich the knowledge of art and humanities of Macao’s primary and secondary teachers, the Education and Youth Development Bureau of Macao, in December 2021, cooperating with the Centre for Chinese History and Culture and Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Science, co-organized “the Plan to Cultivate the Masters of Humanities & Social Science Education”. The associate professor Yeung Siu Kwai from Faculty of Education, Emeritus professor Tang Keng Pan, associate professor Wang Sihao, assistant professor Lo In-Fat from FAH were invited as tutors in this training plan.

The training program took place in 4 and 11 December, with selected courses including professor Yeung’s “Zhu Xi’s and Qian Mu’s Explanations of Courtesy in The Analects of Confucius” and “the View of Under-Heaven in ‘The Analects’ and its Explanations in Later Generations”, professor Tang’s “Demystifying the Chinese Characters in Macao’s World Cultural Heritage Sites” and “Reading Liu Yuxi’s ‘An Epigraph in Praise of My Humble Home’ as an Example of Showing How to Understand the Cultural Symbols in Literary Texts”, professor Wang’s “A Sketch of Chinese Classics from the Ancient Travel Notes” and professor Lo’s “How to Use Our Mother Tongue to Differentiate the Rhyme Schemes in Poetry and Understand the Pronunciations in Dictionary”. The 5 courses lasted for 15 hours in total, and around 150 people attended them.

Many trainees after class showed great interest in the stories behind the Chinese characters in Macao’s world cultural heritages, and continued to discuss with professor Tang. Additionally, professor Tang suggested the trainees to retell and disseminate Macao’s history and culture to their own students in class, so that the new generation could also learn more about the native culture.

The opening of “Patriotism — the Father of Chinese Modern Design Art Pang Xunqin’s Works Exhibition”

Sponsored by Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism and Changshu Municipal People’s Government, organized by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau, the “Patriotism — the Father of Chinese Modern Design Art Pang Xunqin’s Works Exhibition” was opened at the CCHC of the University of Macau (E34 Cultural Building) on December 10, and a Book Presentation Ceremony as well as Ribbon-cutting Ceremony were held at the same time. The exhibition will be displayed for 14 days till December 24th.

Mr. Hui Jianlin, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Mr. Han Weibing, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, Ms. Ao Ieong U, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government, Mr. Song Yonghua, Rector of the University of Macau, Ms. Chen Linda, President of the Macao Association for Chinese Traditional Culture, and other celebrities and student representatives of the Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador of the University of Macau were invited to attend the opening ceremony.




For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

‘Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetland World Natural Heritage into Colleges and Universities’ activity came to the University of Macau

Recently, organized by the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the Yancheng Municipal People’s government and supported by the Centre of Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau, the ‘Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetland World Natural Heritage into Colleges and Universities’ activity came to the University of Macau. During the two-day exhibition on the 10th and 11th, a new Yancheng Wetland Protection Exhibition was brought to UM teachers and students. The exhibition was held in G007 Exhibition Hall of the UM Library, and the organizer set up exhibits in various forms such as text, photography, visual and audio, which described the process of applying for the world heritage of the Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetland, the wetland ecological protection measures and results. Through multi-sensory and multi-angle experience, the audience have deeply understood the significance of ecological construction.

Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2021

On Dec 11 2021, University of Macau held the Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2021. Ao Ieong U, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, the representative of Macao SAR chief executive and UM chancellor, and Song Yonghua, Rector of University of Macau, attended the ceremony and gave speeches.

The Master of Arts in Chinese History and Culture program offered by Centre for Chinese History and Culture, University of Macau aims to serve the local high school teachers exclusively, strengthen their skill and foundation for independent studying and excellent teaching of Chinese history and culture, as well as promote via them the affection for and identity with the Chinese civilization among Macao’s youth community. A total of 20 students graduated this year. Professor Zhu Shoutong, the director of the master’s program, and Professor Zheng Dehua, the tutor of the master’s program participated in the presentation ceremony and took a group photo with the graduates.