The Yang Yi Academic Thoughts and Method International Conference Ends with Success

The Yang Yi Academic Thoughts and Method International conference, co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH), the University of Macau (UM); Research Centre for Humanities in South China, the UM; and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), the UM, was held online (ZOOM) on September 28, 2021, due to the epidemic. The epidemic did not affect the enthusiasm of many well-known professors and scholars from home and also abroad to attend this event, and the conference was held successfully.

(Guests participate in the online conference)


The conference officially opened at 9:30 on September 28, and was presided over by Professor Xu Jie, dean of the School of Humanities (FAH) of UM. Professor SO Kee Long, vice rector (Student Affairs) of UM; and Professor Liu Yuejin, director of Institute of Literature in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences attended and delivered speeches for the opening ceremony. Professor Liu gave a wonderful introduction to Prof. Yang’s academic ideals and academic devotions. Later, scholars and writers from the United States, Canada, the Netherlands and Australia; as well as Wen Rumin, former dean of Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Peking University; and the president of China World Association for Chinese Literatures also addressed wonderful speeches to the opening ceremony and paid tribute to Prof. Yang for his great devotion to Chinese literature. Finally, Professor Zhu Shoutong, director of CCHC, head of Department of Chinese Language and Literature of UM, and director of Research Centre for Humanities in South China made a wonderful presentation and announced the end of the opening ceremony, and the academic seminar officially began.

(Upper left: Xu Jie, Dean of FAH of UM (host); Upper right: SO Kee Long, Vice Rector (Student Affairs) of the UM (speaker); Lower left: Liu Yuejin, Director of Institute of Literature in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (speaker); Lower right: Yang Yi, Emeritus Professor of UM)


(Left: Li Jikai, Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences of Shaanxi Normal University (speaker); Right: Mona, President of European Immigrant Chinese Writers´ Association (speaker))

(Left: Professor Zhang Fugui, President of China World Association for Chinese Literatures (speaker); Right: Wang Yingguo, a famous writer in Australia (speaker))

    Mr. Tian Weiping, editor-in-chief of South China Quarterly of UM; Dr. Cheang Neng Ian, deputy director of CCHC; Professor Gong Gang, Professor Chen Zhong and Professor Wang Sihao from Department of Chinese Language and Literature, respectively presided over the next five lectures. Well-known scholars from home and abroad separately published academic essays in five sessions, and profoundly shared their research and insights on the academic ideas, academic methods, research approaches and academic achievements of Prof. Yang, as well as the Academic inspiration they had learned from him. Li Jikai, dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences of Shaanxi Normal University; Yang Jianlong, professor from Shanghai Normal University; Prof. Chang Bin, Dean of College of Humanities of Huaqiao University; and Huang Kean, professor of College of Chinese Language and Literature of Fujian Normal University, served as councilors of each session respectively. They made a wonderful comments on these excellent articles and shared their views at the same time.

(Yang Yi, Emeritus Professor of UM)

    After the academic seminar, Professor Zhu Shoutong immediately presided over the closing ceremony of the conference. Professor Zhu affirmed the success of the conference and invited representatives such as Ms. Dora, a Malaysian Chinese writer; Park Jae woo, Korean Sinologist, to give conclusive speeches. The representatives affirmed the positive significance of this academic exchange conference and the great contribution made by Mr. Yang to the literature. Next, Mr. Yang, member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, emeritus professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature of FAH of UM, addressed a speech. Mr. Yang, who started with modern Chinese literature, had a good command of China and the West in ancient and modern times. His academic ideas and methods, his academic achievements and spirit were worthy of our research and inheritance. In the end, the conference ended in peace and love.

(Professor Zhu Shoutong, Director of CCHC of UM)

(Conference ended)

Recruitment: 1st Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador

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To cultivate enthusiasm for Chinese history and culture and enhance the knowledge of excellent Chinese traditional culture, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) at the University of Macau is launching the “Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador” training program. This program includes share meetings, symposiums, lectures, seminars, and exchange programs, striving to make students become the backbone force committed to the dissemination of Chinese history and culture. The term of the Promotion Ambassador is two years and is renewable. The CCHC will also recruit new students at the beginning of each academic year to expand the team of promotion ambassadors.

Organizer: The Centre for Chinese History and Culture, University of Macau

※ 計劃目的 Program Purpose
● 提高對中國及澳門歷史的認識
Enhance awareness of the history of China and Macao;
● 提高學生的文化質素
Improve the cultural education of students;
● 傳承優秀中國傳統文化
Inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture;
● 透過成為“中國歷史文化推廣大使”,鞏固愛國愛澳意識
Strengthen patriotism and cultivate affection for Macao by becoming a Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador.

※ 招募對象 Requirements
● 澳門大學的學生(包括本科及研究生)
Students at the University of Macau (including undergraduate and graduate students)
● 對中國歷史文化感興趣
Interested in Chinese history and culture;
● 具有責任感、積極參與、投入度高
Student who are responsible, actively participate, and have a high level of commitment.

※ 成功加入的你將有機會 After joining successfully, you could have the opportunities to:
● 獲得“中國歷史文化推廣大使”委任狀*
Obtain the certificate of ” Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassador”;
● 參與中國歷史文化中心舉辦的培訓計劃
Participate in the study organized by the CCHC;
● 參與中國歷史文化中心舉辦交流等活動
Join in exchange and other activities held by the CCHC

A Successful Debut of the Huangmei Opera Co-created by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture

According to the story of ’s Xia Shuji, a Chinese anti-Qing martyr in the late Ming Dynasty, from the Xia Wanchun family, the large-scale Huangmei Opera “Talented Women in Troubled Times” was created by Shanghai Junde Culture Communication Co., Ltd. recently. The drama, starring Hu Qian, a renowned performer, was warmly welcomed as the premiere of the Third G60 Nine City Private Theater Performance in the Yangtze River Delta. It is reported that the play will tour in the Shanghai Municipal theater. The Centre for Chinese History and Culture lent warm support to the planning, creation, and performance of this play. Director Zhu Shoutong wrote the title of the opera, which was highly praised by the leaders and experts in Shanghai.

Mr. Lui Che-woo Collected Prof. Zhu Shoutong’s Calligraphy

Mr. Lui Che-woo, a famous industrialist and chairman of K. Wah International Holdings, celebrated his 93rd birthday. At the invitation of Mr. Cheng Yusheng, Mr. Lui’s relative, Professor Zhu Shoutong, director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture, wrote a banner to congratulate the Chinese patriotic business leader Mr. Lui who has a deep love for the region Hong Kong and Macau. Prof. Zhu Shoutong also serves as Head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the University of Macao and the executive vice-chairman of the overseas and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Chinese Calligraphers Association.

Prof. Zhu Shoutong and others advocate a study on Chang Chih-tung

Prof. Zhu Shoutong, director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture of University of Macau, paid a visit to Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau Special Administrative Region with Macao traditional culture associations to report on conducting a study on Chang Chih-tung and preparing for Chang Chih-tung Memorial Hall. Mr. Yin Rutao, deputy director of Propaganda and Culture Department, and others met them. Mr. Yin and others expressed their gratitude and support to the Macao academic circles for attaching importance to the study on the leader of Westernization movement — Chang Chih-tung. Prof. Zhu Shoutong pointed out that Macao was an important window and bridge for China’s modernization, and the most important statesmen promoting China’s modernization, such as Sun Yat-sen, Lin Zexu, and Chang Chih-tung, all had close relationships with Macao. There were already Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and Lin Zexu Memorial Hall. But there was only one statue of Chang Chih-tung in Temple of City God. As a result, the Macao intellectual and cultural circles knew very little about the relationship between Chang Chih-tung and Macau. To this end, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture jointly put forward the above proposal with the traditional culture associations such as the Macao Chinese Culture and Art Exchange and Appreciation Association. During the meeting, Mr. Yin also fully affirmed the work of Centre for Chinese History and Culture.

Teachers and students from the Kao Yip Middle School visited the Centre for Chinese History and Culture at the University of Macau

Teachers and students from the Kao Yip Middle School visited the Centre for Chinese History and Culture at the University of Macau

On the afternoon of July 17, 2021, Ms. Wai Na, a teacher from the Kao Yip Middle School, led 22 students to visit the Centre for Chinese History and Culture at the University of Macau. First, they visited the exhibition hall to learn about the history of the centre. Then, they prepared for the evening dance competition in the Centre’s lecture hall.

The Staff of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture Visited the “Large-themed Photography Exhibition for the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”

The Staff of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture Visited the “Large-themed Photography Exhibition for the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”


The staff of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) visited the “Large-themed Photography Exhibition for the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” a few days ago, which was organized by The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, Macao Special Administrative Region Government, and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao S.A.R.. The exhibition took place at the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex and was held from 23 June to 15 July.

2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In a hundred years of struggle, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to establish great achievements. Adopting the form of a relay race helps to accumulate and summarize the efforts of the great people of the past, and finally builds a great spirit and creates China. Also, the miracle in the history of national development and the progress of human society has achieved the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The exhibition was divided into four parts and used 298 classic photos in the form of pictures and texts to comprehensively display the centuries of the struggle of the Chinese Communist Party.

Through this exhibition, the staff of the CCHC learned about the Party’s development experience and hardships in modern China and understood that the peace and prosperity of the new China is the Party’s original aspiration to adhere to the “people-centered” principle, through a century of struggle and hard work. Therefore, the staff of the Centre

will adhere to the belief of loving the party, the country, and Macao, and make contributions to the long-term development of the Chinese nation, the People’s Republic of China, and Macao.

Macao and Henan Province have Bright Future for Cultural Exchanges

Mr. Jiang Jiding, Director of Culture and Tourism Department of Henan Province and his delegation visited the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) at the University of Macau (UM) on July 8th. This visit aims to enhance the cultural exchanges between Henan province and Macao, make use of Macao’s unique cultural advantages of integrating Chinese and Western culture, promote the spread of Central Plains culture in Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries, expand the influence of Chinese culture in the world, build a bridge of exchanges for the youth of Henan and Macao, and promote in-depth cooperation between the two sides.

During the talk, Prof. Zhu Shoutong, the Director of the CCHC, first introduced the current situation of the Centre. He pointed out that the Centre has been making efforts in activities, training, academic and research to promote Chinese history and culture to the Macao community, especially the young people in Macao and the Portuguese-speaking areas.

After the sharing sessions from Prof. Zhu and Prof.Xu, Mr. Jiang Jiding agreed with their views of telling Chinese stories well, he briefly introduced the history and culture of the Yellow River and Henan Province, and later facilitated exchanges on Taijiquan.

Many distinguished guests participated in this event: Prof. Xu Jie, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Prof. Zhu Shoutong, Director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Mr. Jiang Jiding, Director of Culture and Tourism Department of Henan Province, Mr. Zhang Fei, vice director of Information Centre of Culture and Tourism Department of Henan Province, Mr. Wei Peishi, Director of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism Bureau of Kaifeng, Mr. Hu Dapeng, Director of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism Bureau of Luoyang, Mr. Mi Jiwen, Director of Culture, Radio, TV and Tourism Bureau of Jiaozuo, Mr. Jiao Hongbo, Chairman of Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Centre, Mr. Chen Bing, Master of Taijiquan, Mrs. Fan KamHong, Director and Coach of Nói Ka Kun Association of Macao, Mrs. Lai Iam Fong, Direcor of Leng Fong Sports and Recreation Club and Coach of Wushu Team of the University of Macau.

In the afternoon, Prof. Zhu and staff of the Centre were invited to the cultural tourism promotion event of Henan Province titled “Henan: Home of Chinese Kungfu”. In the meeting, CCHC at the UM, The Chinese Educators Association of Macau, Global Tourism Economy Research Centre, Macau Lotus TV and Macau Travel Agency Association were awarded to became the cooperative partners of the Alliance for Hong Kong and Macao Youth Study Tours to the Mainland.

UM publishes trilingual comic books to promote Chinese history and culture

Two centres of the University of Macau (UM), namely the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), and the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre (CPC), have edited and published the Chinese History and Culture Comic Book Series, a series of books that present traditional Chinese myths, legends, and historical stories in Chinese, English, and Portuguese, with the aim of enhancing the understanding of Chinese culture among young people in Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries. In order to promote the comic books, the CPC visited Zheng Guanying Public School to organise activities, interacting with the students in the form of improvised comedy show, providing more students with the access to traditional Chinese culture, allowing them to know more about ancient myths and legends.

In 2018, the CCHC published two comic books in Portuguese, including Chang’e Flying to the Moon and Nu Wa Mending the Sky. In 2021, the CCHC and the CPC edited and published the Chinese History and Culture Comic Book Series, including Chang’e Flying to the Moon, Nu Wa Mending the Sky, and Jing Wei Filling the Sea, allowing youth from Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries to get to know the fun, wisdom and culture of Chinese ancient myths, to learn about Chinese history and culture, as well as allowing students in Macao to learn Portuguese through these easy to understand comic books.

In addition, the CPC organised a series of activities at Zheng Guanying Public School to promote the comic books. Apart from improvised comedy show, the CPC also invited the third grade students to improvise and illustrate the story of Chang’e Flying to the Moon. The CPC also organised a bilingual contest that revolved around Chinese and foreign myths and legends, traditional Chinese culture, and translation between Chinese and Portuguese words. Participating students say they enjoyed the event thoroughly and could not get enough of it. The principal of Zheng Guanying Public School, Chan Ka Man, pointed out that this activity fits the reading task currently arranged by the school for third grade students. It not only allows students to learn more about ancient myths and stories, but also stimulates students’ interest in reading and cultivates good reading habits.

Both centres are part of the Macao Base for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Social Sciences, which aims to promote the development of humanities and social sciences education in Macao and to nurture young talent through a series of teaching and training programmes, in collaboration with educational institutions and primary and secondary schools in Macao.

The CCHC aims to strengthen the study of Chinese history and culture, to cultivate local talent dedicated to the dissemination and promotion of Chinese history and culture, to establish a high-level mechanism for the exchange of Chinese history and culture, to promote Chinese history and culture to the Macao community, especially the youth, and to promote the dissemination and influence of Chinese history and culture in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions, so as to enhance the awareness and understanding of Chinese history and culture in Macao and the international community.

Since its establishment in 2017, the CPC has been committed to developing long-and short-term partnerships with institutions in mainland China and Portuguese-speaking countries, establishing links in teacher training, focusing on the training of bilingual talent, conducting research in the areas of Portuguese teaching and Chinese and Portuguese culture, and promoting cross-cultural exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries.

Chinese History and Culture Comic Book Series

Improvised comedy show and bilingual quiz conducted in Chinese and Portuguese

Teachers and students of UM and Zheng Guanying Public School

Another link:

UM publishes trilingual comic books to promote Chinese history and culture [Communications Office, University of Macau]2021-07-09