The Centre for Chinese History and Culture of University of Macau visits the Chinese Educators Association of Macau

Prof. ZHU Shoutong, Director of CCHC, Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, Deputy director of CCHC, and colleagues of CCHC paid a visit to the Chinese Educators Association of Macau on November 20 to discuss the work recently carried out by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of University of Macau. At the same time, in-depth discussions on the opportunities for cooperation in other activities between the Chinese Educators Association of Macau and Macao Base for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Social Science were also conducted.

For more details, please refer to the Chinese version.

Chinese opera masters give talks at UM

The University of Macau (UM) recently held an event where a number of Chinese opera masters shared their knowledge of the different types of Chinese opera with the students and performed part of their signature pieces. The event aimed to foster a bond between Chinese nationals in Hong Kong, Macao, and overseas through Chinese opera.

Mesmerising performance
A group photo

Source: Faculty of Arts and Humanities

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Communications Office, University of Macau

Albee Lei     Tel:(853) 88228004
Judite Lam  Tel:(853) 88228022

UM receives book donation from renowned poet Fu Tianhong

UM receives book donation from renowned poet Fu Tianhong

Fu Tianhong, a renowned poet, writer, collector, and publisher, recently donated his collection of books and documents to the University of Macau (UM) to support the work of the university’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture. The donated books and documents will become part of a collection of contemporary Chinese poems in the UM library for the perusal by faculty members, students, and literary researchers. The donation ceremony was jointly held by the UM library and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture.

Yonghua Song(1st from right) and Fu Tianhong (2nd from right)

Fu Tianhong (1st from right) and Zhu Shoutong (2nd from right)

A group photo

Musical Brothers at UM

Musical Brothers at UM

Text: Senior UM Reporter Sally Liang │ Photo: Jack Ho, Ella Cheong, with some provided by the interviewees │  ISSUE 97 October My UM

When Lin Longbin and Lin Longping picked up the Chinese flute out of curiosity when they were children, the two brothers fell in love with traditional Chinese musical instruments and they have never looked back. Last year, they were both admitted into UM’s master’s degree programme in literature (Chinese history and culture). Naturally, they brought their favourite flutes with them.


Practice Together Makes Perfect

‘We started learning the flute and Erhu at the age of ten. Because they belong to the family of woodwind and stringed instruments, we gradually learned to play other instruments that belong to the same family,’ says Longbin.

Both brothers were born and raised in Macao, and two years apart in their ages. According to Longping, throughout their lives they have shared the same interests and have done many things together. ‘We went to the same middle school. Now, we are studying the same major at the same university,’ he says.

Interestingly, these kindred spirits have distinct musical tastes. The elder brother prefers the southern style, which is elegant, soft, and tender, while the younger brother loves the northern style, which is raw, uplifting, powerful, and evocative. When they play together, their different preferences sometimes lead to arguments, but they also admit that their skills have improved under each other’s scrutinising eye.

‘Growing up, we played a lot of duets together,’ says Longping. ‘We would prick up our ears to listen to the effect to make sure that we cooperated with each other as well as we could. For instance, my elder brother usually needed to borrow the northern style to make up for the lack of explosive power in his rendering, while I usually needed to go easy a little bit.’ These words perfectly capture the dynamic process through which the two brothers continuously try to find the right balance when they play together.

Lin brothers play the flute together by the lake

What Music Means to Me

Both brothers were born with visual impairments, but this has not cooled their passion for music. ‘But how do you play if you cannot see the sheet music?’ we ask. ‘Just memorise the sheet music and practise more,’ they answer matter-of-factly. Music is to them what light is to sighted people in the dark. It is that constant in a restless world that anchors them to their innate passion.

Longping believes that music provides a vehicle for one to communicate from the soul. Of all the musical instruments, Xiao resonates with him the most. Many people feel that the sound of Xiao is too sad, but Longping explains, ‘Our mood is like a parabola, and only the sound of Xiao can take you to the bottom of the parabola. Every time I finish playing the Xiao, I feel extra happy and return to my original state of mind, and then I have the strength to live each day to the fullest. So, music serves to modulate the tone of my mood.’

Growing up, the brothers have always been there for each other.

Reason for Choosing Chinese History and Culture

Longbin believes that music is the embodiment of the essence of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy. ‘Classical Chinese music is part of traditional Chinese culture. So in order to learn Chinese musical instruments well, you must gain a systematic understanding of the connection between classical music and traditional Chinese culture, and that’s why we decided to study Chinese history and culture at UM,’ he explains.

Lin brothers give a music talk

Longbin cites an example to illustrate the importance of understanding Chinese history and culture. He says, ‘The Chinese musical rites and rituals serve to safeguard the social class system, which is like the modern-day relationship between a supervisor and his or her subordinates. The instructions of a musician of a higher social class must be observed by musicians of lower social classes. Take the ‘Blossoms on a Moonlit River in Spring’ for example. Two lines in the lyrics contrast the never-ending cycle of human life with the ever-same appearance of the river and moon, which reflects the teachings of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. He further explains: ‘Playing this piece requires a bit of imagination. And if I combine that with my knowledge of Chinese philosophy, I will have an “aha” moment and understand the mood the music tries to create.’

The two bothers are committed to promoting traditional Chinese culture through music. Over the past few years, they have held talks at Beijing Normal University, the Central Conservatory of Music, the China Conservatory of Music and UM, in which they shared how they use music to promote traditional Chinese culture. These talks have been very well received. In the future, they hope to help more people understand and appreciate Chinese music, history, and culture.


UM receives book donation from renowned poet Fu Tianhong

Fu Tianhong, a renowned poet, writer, collector, and publisher, recently donated his collection of books and documents to the University of Macau (UM) to support the work of the university’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture. The donated books and documents will become part of a collection of contemporary Chinese poems in the UM library for the perusal by faculty members, students, and literary researchers. The donation ceremony was jointly held by the UM library and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture.

Yonghua Song(1st from right) and Fu Tianhong (2nd from right)

Fu Tianhong (1st from right) and Zhu Shoutong (2nd from right)

A group photo

Source: Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The Plan to Cultivate the Masters of Chinese History and Culture in 2020 has been Successfully Completed

The Plan to Cultivate the Masters of Chinese History and Culture in 2020 has been Successfully Completed

To improve the ability of primary and secondary teachers in disseminating Chinese history and culture and cultivate the teachers in this discipline, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture and Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macao have jointly offered the third “The Plan to Cultivate the Masters of Chinese History and Culture”. The series of courses were completed in the hall of Escola Secundária Luso-Chinesa de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, which were from 26th September to 11th October.

UM releases results of survey on Macao students’ knowledge of Chinese history and culture

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Chinese History and Culture today (23 September) held an event to release the results of the 2019 Chinese History and Culture Cognition Index Survey for Primary and Secondary School Students in Macao. A total of 1,391 students from 14 schools were surveyed on their knowledge of the history and culture of China and Macao. Results show that Macao students’ overall level of knowledge on this subject has increased compared to 2017. This study contributes to the implementation of China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy in Macao and provides valuable data for researchers interested in the study of national identity.

UM has released the results of the 2019 Chinese History and Culture Cognition Index Survey for Primary and Secondary School Students in Macao

2019 Chinese History and Culture Cognition Index Survey for Primary and Secondary School

Professor Zhu Shoutong Attended High-End Forum of People’s Writer, Nanjing 2020

The 2020 Autumn High-End Forum of People’s Writer (Nanjing) was successfully held on 19 Sep 2020. The forum invited leaders, professors and famous scholars of Literatures & Arts, Literature theory studies, and news & media from all over the nation to mainly discuss the theme “The Influence of New Media on Literary Communication and the Collision Between Traditional Literature and New Media Literature”. CCHC, University of Macau participated in the forum as a counselor. Professor Zhu Shoutong, Director of CCHC, gave full affirmation to the achievements that People’s Writer has made during the recent five years, furthermore, based on the theme of the forum, made a guiding speech of his perspective and suggestions for the present and future development of literature communication.

Please refer to the Chinese Version for more details:朱壽桐教授參加《人民作家》在寧舉辦2020金秋高端

Professor Zhu Shoutong participated in “Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into the Campus” series of activities co-hosted by National Conditions Education (Macau) Association and Wynn Care

Co-hosted by National Conditions Education (Macau) Association and Wynn care, and associated with other sectors of the society, the Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into the Campus series of activities started from 23 Sep 2020. On the opening ceremony, Professor Zhu Shoutong, Director of CHCC, was invited to cut the ribbon. The person in charge hoped to continuously hold these activities to further inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, orderly cultivate the national confidence and patriotic spirit of adolescents, and promote to construct the cooperation and communication base where Chinese culture remains mainstream and diverse cultures coexist.

Please refer to the Chinese Version for more  details:


Review of Professor Zhu Shoutong’s Public Lecture: Western Gentleman Culture and Crescent Literature

Public Lecture Hall is routine literature and art activity co-hosted by Cambridge Art Society, Cambridge Chinese Community Centre, Colchester Chinese Culture Society, and European Immigrant Chinese Writers Association. Professor Zhu Shoutong, Director of CCHC, University of Macau, gave a guest lecture mainly discussing Western Gentleman Culture and Crescent Literature a few days ago.

Please refer to the Chinese Version for more details:朱壽桐教授公益講堂回顧:西方紳士文化與新月派

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