The 7th International Conference of World Travel Witting in Chinese Was Held ,providing great Tea Culture experience

” The 7th International Conference of World Travel Witting in Chinese ” organized by the Macao Foundation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong United College and “Ming Pao Monthly”in Hong Kong, co-organized by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau and the World Chinese Literature Association, has been held in 2019. It was successfully held in Macau for two consecutive days from November 26th to 27th. More than 70 well-known writers and scholars from the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan ,Japan and South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Egypt, Iran and France gathered in Macau to conduct academic discussions on the theme of ” Tour of Tea Culture “. The seminar opened at 9:30 am on the 26th at the University of Macau. Zhong Yi, Interim Chairman of the administrative council of the Macao Foundation. Xu Jie, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Macau, and Bei Junqi, Consultant of the Preparatory Committee for the 7th International Conference of World Travel Witting in Chinese. President of the seminar and President of World Chinese Travel Literature Association Pan Yaoming attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech, together with Ms. Chen Haiyu of Shenzhen JinLuan Co., Ltd., Tutor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Professor of Department of Chinese ,Zhang Shuangqing, Chairman of Guangdong Danxia Tianxiong Tea Co., Ltd. Xie Jinzhi,interim director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of University of Macau Zhu Shoutong, together to cut the ribbon for the conference.

Please refer to Chinese version for details:第七屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會圓滿舉行 體驗各地茶文化之美

The 7th International Conference of World Travel Witting in Chinese


Ming Pao Monthly

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Macao Foundation


Hong Kong China World Association for Chinese Literatures

Hong Kong Writers’ Association

International Association of Literature in Chinese

University of Macau

Macao Chinese Culture and Art Association
Instituto Milénio de Macau

China World Association for Chinese Literatures


International Association of Travel Literature in Chinese

UM holds forum of thinkers in Macao

The University of Macau (UM) recently held the second forum of thinkers in Macao. The event was co-organised by UM’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) and the editorial team of South China Quarterly. During the event, participants discussed the coexistence of different civilisations and its importance to Macao as well as Chinese and western cultures.

During the forum, Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Billy So said that each civilisation is a vehicle for achieving coexistence and different civilisations are connected to one another through communication. He expressed hope that participants in the forum would make contributions to the coexistence of different civilisations through exploring Chinese and western wisdom.

Officiating guests at the opening ceremony included Billy So, Zhu Shoutong, interim director of the CCHC; Tian Weiping, editor-in-chief of South China Quarterly; as well as experts and scholars from various institutions, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Capital Normal University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, East China Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-sen University, Hunan University, Shenzhen University, and the Macau University of Science and Technology.

UM holds a forum of thinkers in Macao

UM holds a forum of thinkers in Macao

Chinese History and Culture Forum and Confucian Art and Culture Collection Held in Macau

To celebrate the 2750th year of the great educator Confucius, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macau Special Administrative Region, the University of Macau, Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Confucius Institute, China Confucius Institute, and Changshu Overseas Association, Suzhou Overseas Association, the Macao Base for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Social Science, Choi Kai Yau College and the Cheong Kun Lun College recently held The “China History and Culture Forum and Confucian Art and Culture Collection”at the University of Macau.

Group photo for opening ceremony

Please refer to the Chinese Version for more details:中國歷史文化論壇暨孔誕藝文匯萃在澳舉辦

UM kicks off forum on Chinese history and culture and celebration of Confucius’ birthday

UM kicks off the forum on Chinese history and culture and celebration of Confucius’ birthday

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 20th anniversary of the handover of Macao, the University of Macau (UM) today (19 September) kicked off the Forum on Chinese History and Culture and Celebration of Confucius’ Birthday. The forum, cultural activities, and exhibitions aim to let the public experience traditional Confucian culture and enhance their cultural confidence. Experts and scholars from China and abroad attended the event to celebrate the birthday of Confucius. They also discussed traditional Chinese culture and its development in the contemporary society.

Rector Yonghua Song

UM Rector Yonghua Song gave a speech, in which he said that the relationship between Confucian thought and Macao goes back a long time, adding that the great philosopher left an indelible mark on Macao as part of his long-lasting impact on human civilisation. According to Song, the event aims to promote understanding of the five traditional Chinese virtues, namely humanity, integrity, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity, among UM faculty members and students, so that they will acquire the wisdom from Confucianism and history and find inspiration through the comparison of Chinese and Western cultures for achieving world peace and sustainable development. Song added that people from different countries should work together to create a harmonious world and a win-win situation for everyone.

Cheng Lin

Cheng Lin, vice chairman of the Shandong provincial committee of the People’s Political Consultative Conference, said that Shandong is the hometown of Confucius and the birthplace of Confucianism, adding that the event showcases the beauty of traditional Chinese culture, especially the beauty of Confucianism.

A group photo

At the opening ceremony, Rector Song and other guests presented flower baskets to a painting of Confucius and bowed to the painting four times. Afterwards, members of the Cultural Ambassador Programme of the Confucius Institute conducted a ceremony, during which they performed a traditional ritual dance in traditional robes to express their understanding of the five virtues.

The forum on Confucian culture

On the same day, UM kicked off a forum on Confucian culture and numerous exhibitions, including an exhibition of Confucius culture, an exhibition of the landscape paintings of Zhang Zhimin, an exhibition of the works of Mao Hongwei, Zhang Qinzhi and Dong Gang, an exhibition of intangible cultural heritage from Suzhou, an exhibition of Guqin art from Changshu, and a sharing session by two young bamboo flute performers from Macao, who are also UM students. These exhibitions are open to the public. All are welcome. For more information, please visit

1.UM FAH Channel


Eng:UM kicks off forum on Chinese history and culture and celebration of Confucius’ birthday

2.UM  Channel


Eng:UM kicks off forum on Chinese history and culture and celebration of Confucius’ birthday


“Beautiful Shanghai, Charming Huangpu” Theme Photography Exhibition

The “Beautiful Shanghai·Charming Huangpu” hosted by the Shanghai Huangpu Overseas Friendship Association and the Shanghai-Macau Youth Exchange Promotion Association yesterday, co-organizing with the Centre for Chinese History and Culture and Macao Base for Primary & Secondary in Humanities & Social Sciences of the University of Macau. The organizer used more than 90 photos to show the great changes in Shanghai and Huangpu since the founding of New China. The Huangpu Exhibition was set up in Shanghai and Macau at the same time, forming a two-city linkage, reflecting the expectation of some people to love peace, love life, love each other and build a beautiful home.


Please refer to the Chinese Version for more details: 美好上海-魅力黃浦主題攝影展舉行

Academicians attend forum on science, arts, and humanities at UM

The Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau, recently organised a forum on science, arts, and humanities. Academicians in the related fields from mainland China and Hong Kong, as well as professors from UM, attended the forum. They explored the close relationship between science on the one hand, and arts and humanities on the other, as well as the future of these disciplines. Participants also had an in-depth discussion on the core values of human civilisation.

For the full version, please refer to the Chinese version.

Academicians attend a forum on science, arts, and humanities at UM

The inscription written by the academicians for UM

A group photo





UM holds second forum on Chinese culture

UM holds its second forum on Chinese culture
to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the New Culture Movement

The University of Macau (UM) recently held its second forum on Chinese culture to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the New Culture Movement. Co-organised by UM’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) and the Think Tank of United Citizens, the event attracted more than 80 writers, experts, and scholars from mainland China, Macao, and overseas. During the event, participants discussed the influence of the New Culture Movement and how it has contributed to the contemporary development of Chinese history and culture.

For full version, please visit the Chinese version.

UM holds first forum on literature and history

The University of Macau (UM) recently held the First UM Forum on Literature and History. During the event, experts and scholars had an in-depth discussion on the interaction between traditional Chinese culture and new cultures and the relationships between Chinese and Western cultures at an academic level.

Vice Rector Billy So chairs the forum

Prof Wang Di gives a keynote speech

Prof Tang Kaijian gives a keynote speech

Prof Zhu Shoutong gives a keynote speech

Prof Xu Jie gives a keynote speech

Prof Yang Yi gives a keynote speech

Prof Yao Jingming gives a keynote speech

A group photo

UM inaugurates Cultural Building to promote cultural exchange

The University of Macau (UM) today (19 June) held an inauguration ceremony for the Cultural Building. UM Rector Yonghua Song said at the ceremony that in a new era where the Chinese government has initiated the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Cultural Building at UM is tasked with the mission to promote Chinese culture and cultural exchange and to support Macao’s effort to develop into a centre for cultural exchange between China and foreign countries in the Greater Bay Area and beyond.

UM inaugurates its Cultural Building

Officiating guests at the ceremony included Dr Chui Sai On, chief executive of the Macao SAR and chancellor of UM; Mr Fu Ziying, director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR; Dr Tam Chon Weng, secretary for social affairs and culture of the Macao SAR; Mr Xue Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR; Dr Lam Kam Seng, chair of the University Council of UM; and Prof Yonghua Song, rector of UM.

Yonghua Song

In his speech, Rector Song said that in this new era where the Chinese government has initiated the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Macao is tasked with a special mission, which is to become a base for cultural exchange and collaboration, with Chinese culture being the predominant component, complemented by a variety of other cultures that co-exist in harmony. As the only public comprehensive university in Macao that places equal emphasis on teaching and research, UM will spare no effort to integrate its resources on campus and make use of its unique advantages in order to help Macao fulfill this mission and make a greater contribution to Macao and China.

The Cultural Building houses the current Centre for Chinese History and Culture, Centre for Macau Studies, Confucius Institute, Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, Centre for Arts and Design, and Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, all of which are strong cultural or teaching units at UM. Together, they provide strong support to Macao’s effort to develop into a centre for cultural exchange between China and foreign countries in the Greater Bay Area and even in the world.

The First University of Macau Forum on Literature and History and an exhibition of artworks by UM faculty and students were also held on the same day to showcase the university’s achievements in the humanities and social sciences.