Exploring the Future Landscape of Chinese Cultural Studies: The Plenary Session of the Academic Committee of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture was successfully held at the University of Macau

On 28 April 2023, “The Plenary Session of the Academic Committee of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture 2023, the Academic Seminar on Folk Culture and Chinese Mainstream Culture” was successfully held by the Centre for Chinese History and Culture at the University of Macau. The seminar was attended by Director Li Yongxian of the Higher Education Department of the Education and Youth Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the S.A.R., Dr. Wu Zhiliang, Chairman of the Administrative Committee of the Macao Foundation and Director of the Academic Committee of the CCHC, Prof. Xu Jingwen, Acting President of the University of Macao, Prof. Wu Qiantao, Director of the Academic Committee of the Centre for Moral Education in Higher Education of Tsinghua University, a key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, and Senior Professor of Arts of Tsinghua University, Prof. Wu Xiantao, Prof. Chen Yun, Professor of Philosophy, East China Normal University, Prof. Liu Jun, President of City University of Macau, Prof. Zhang Hongming, Dean of International Studies, Macau University of Science and Technology, and other professors from universities in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau participated  in the meeting online and offline. The meeting explored the future academic development of the CCHC, especially the research on folk culture and mainstream Chinese culture.

Dr. Wu Zhiliang, Director of the Academic Committee, thanked the support of various units at the meeting and said that the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau should provide experience, methodology, working procedures and effects for humanities and social sciences research in Macau and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, in order to play a greater role as a model. Prof. Hui King Man, Acting President of the University of Macau, also said that the Centre for Chinese History and Culture is a platform for research and academic exchange with exemplary meaning in Macau, Hong Kong, Macao and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and should make a greater contribution and play a more active role in academic construction.

Dr. Wu Chi Leung delivered a speech


Prof. Xu Jingwen delivered a speech


Prof. Wu Qiantao pointed out that the CCHC was established to strengthen the research of Chinese history and culture, to promote the propaganda and influence of Chinese history and culture in Portuguese-speaking countries, to raise Macao residents’ awareness of Chinese history and culture, to nurture young people who are patriotic, tolerant, pragmatic and enterprising, to tell the Chinese story and spread Chinese culture overseas, especially in Portuguese-speaking countries, to display the successful practice of “one country, two systems”, and to realise the advantages of blending Chinese and Western cultures.

Prof. Wu Qiantao delivered an online lecture


Prof. Chen Yun said that while researching Chinese history and culture, the CCHC has taken on the role of propaganda and education on Chinese history and culture, and is an important link between Macao and Chinese culture. He hoped that the Mainland and Macao, East China Normal University and the University of Macao could continue to maintain good communication and work together for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in this great period, and make greater contributions to the promotion of traditional Chinese virtues.

Prof. Chen Yun delivered an online lecture


Prof. Zhu Shoutong, Director of the CCHC, said in his concluding address that he would take seriously the valuable comments made by members and professors, and introduced the status and positioning of the CCHC. He cited the CCHC ‘s achievements during the period of “crossing the river by feeling the stones” and pointed out that the CCHC would “show its own character” by highlighting the relationship between folk culture and Chinese culture in its research in the past five years, and stepping into a gap in the field that other academic institutions had not covered. He also expressed his gratitude to all of the participants for their attention, guidance and support.

Prof. Zhu Shoutong delivered a speech

Online and offline guests took a group photo together

Group Photograph

Prof. Zhu Shoutong and his delegation from the University of Macau visited the International Institute of Asian Studies at Leiden University

On 25 May 2023, Prof. Zhu Shoutong, Director of Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau, Prof. Liu Jun of Nanjing University, Prof. Cheng Guojun of Shaanxi Normal University, Ms. Mona, President of the Association of European and Chinese New Literatures, Ms. Chen Ruilin, a writer and critic living in the United States, and Prof. Gao Yexing of Xi’an Technical University visited the International Institute of Asian Studies of Leiden University in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Martina van den Haak, Director of the Institute of International Asian Studies, warmly welcomed the visitors. She introduced the history of the Institute, its main functions and the academic journals, newspapers and books it publishes. She said that the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS) is the leading institute for Asian studies in the Netherlands which aims to promote the research and teaching for Asia in the fields of humanities and social sciences. The Institute regularly organizes academic conferences and exchange activities across disciplines and regions to help people understand Asia more comprehensively and to re-examine ‘Asian Studies’ in the context of globalization. Prof. Zhu Shoutong of the University of Macau thanked Martina for her introduction and explained the purpose of the visit. The two sides then exchanged views and discussed the various subject areas of Asian Studies, especially the themes, perspectives and research approaches of Chinese literature research, as well as the possibilities of future research collaboration. Both sides have expressed their desire for further in-depth collaborative research.

After the conference, Ms. Martina took the visitors on a guided tour of the Institute’s branches and offices, introduced the research staff and presented them with The Newsletter, the main academic publication of IIAS. After a group photo, the visit was successfully concluded.


CCHC Staffs Visit the National Security Education Exhibition

The 6th National Security Education Exhibition was organised by the Macao S.A.R. Government and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao S.A.R., in order to carry forward the idea of establishing a strong sense of national security, appreciating the achievements of national security in the new era, and creating a good atmosphere for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In response to the call for National Security Education Day, CCHC staff including Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, Deputy Director, Prof. YEUNG Siu Kwai, Director of Editorial and Publication Division, Ms. KUAN Sio In, Principal Admin Officer, visited the exhibition in Complexo da Plataforma de Serviços para a Cooperação Comercial entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa on 15th May, 2023.

Under the scientific guidance of the concept of national security, the S.A.R. Government has insisted on co-ordinating development and security, modernised the national security system and capabilities, and made a series of great achievements in various fields of security and development. With the concern and strong support of the Central People’s Government, the S.A.R. Government has continued to improve the national security protection system and actively integrated into the overall development of the country, effectively ensuring the unification of the Central People’s Government’s comprehensive governance and the S.A.R.’s high degree of autonomy, as well as the implementation of the fundamental principle of Patriot Governing Macao in Macao, effectively safeguarding Macao’s social security and stability and economic development, and promoting the work of safeguarding national security in the Macao to a new level.

By visiting the exhibition, the Centre has gained a deeper understanding of the importance of national security and has further enhanced their awareness of it. For the future development and work, the Centre will continue to carry forward the idea of national security, actively participate in and organize related activities to enhance Macao students’ awareness of security and abilities to resist risks.

The Cultural, Historical and Geographical Quiz Competition was successfully held.

On 24th May 2023, the “Literary, History and Geography Quiz Competition” co-organized by Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macau was successfully held in the auditorium of the school . Director of the Editorial and Publishing Division. Prof. Yeung Siu Kwai, watched the competition and acted as a judge.

(Speech by Principal Wong)


First of all, the participants, teachers and students prayed, and then Principal Wong Kin Man delivered a speech. Principal Wong introduced Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola and thanked the Centre for Chinese History and Culture for their support and the significance of this competition in promoting Chinese history and culture. Afterwards, Principal Wong presented the flag of Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola to Professor Yeung and took a group photo together.

(Principal Wong presented the flags of the five schools of Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola)


In his speech, Prof. Yeung Siu-kwai introduced the work of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture and pointed out that general knowledge of literature, history and geography is the essence of the thoughts of ancient scholars, and that an understanding of literature, history and geography will enable students to stand on the shoulders of giants to understand the world.

(Speech by Professor Yeung)


At the beginning of the competition, six teams consisting of senior students entered the final round. The competition was novel and diversified, consisting of compulsory questions, scenario questions and scrambled questions. The questions covered astronomy, geography, history, literature and other aspects, which were very colourful. The competition was intense, with all teams showing strong on-the-spot response and rich knowledge reserves, and it was hard to distinguish which one was better. At the end of the competition, the champion, first runner-up and second runner-up were decided, and the prize-giving ceremony was held, in which Professor Yeung and teachers of the school presented the prizes to the winning teams.

Teachers and students of Colégio Diocesano de São José, Cinta Escola gained a lot through this activity. The competition not only aroused students’ interest in literature, history and geography and motivated them to learn, but also enabled them to deepen their understanding of their hometowns, the motherland and the society, laying a solid foundation for them to become high-quality talents who love the country, love Macao and have all-round development.

(Group photo of Prof. Yeung and other judges with the awardees)


Pass on Chinese Culture and Demonstrate Civilizational Confidence — Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassadors attend Worship Ceremony for Yellow Emperor

There is a saying that goes, ‘3rd March is a time to hold the worship ceremony for Yellow Emperor.’ On the morning of 15th April 2023, the Macao Worship Ceremony for Yellow Emperor was held at the Macau Tower Convention Centre. The gentle sound of ritual music and drums greeted the auspiciousness of spring. With the theme of One Root, One Ancestor, One Source, Peace, and Harmony, the ceremony included nine rituals: welcoming the Spring with auspicious drums, dedicating flower baskets, purifying the hands and entering the title, performing the rituals of worship, reading the worship text, singing chants, paying homage with ritual rhymes, praying for the blessing of China, and reconciling heaven, earth and people.

(Worship Ritual)

(Group Photo)

(Prof. XU Jie, Dean of FAH, University of Macau)

(Prof. ZHU Shoutong, Director of CCHC, University of Macau)


This year’s Worship Ceremony in Macao was an unprecedented event with many different activities. The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau organized the participation of Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassadors. The Ambassadors and students at Macao Polytechnic University jointly delivered a performance called the Ritual Archery. The show symbolized the invention of the bow and arrow by the Yellow Emperor, indicating he was the founder of Chinese ritual and music. The show also demonstrated the humanistic spirit of the Chinese people and the charm of the Yellow Emperor’s culture through the performance. In addition, the Ambassadors acted as ceremonial ambassadors for the ceremony, guiding the audience through the rituals, learning about traditional Chinese rituals and learning more from them. Through participating in the Ceremony, the Ambassadors gained a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and traditions, and further increased their love for Chinese culture and confidence in promoting it.


(Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassadors)

(Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassadors)

(Chinese History and Culture Promotion Ambassadors)

Love Mother Language and Embrace World Culture — CCHC actively takes part in UM Language and Culture Day

In order to protect mother language and promote linguistic diversity, the Language and Culture Day organized by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Macau was held on 28th March 2023 with the theme of Love Mother Language and Embrace World Culture. There were not only an opening ceremony including multi-country traditional culture performances, but also language and culture workshops, cultural knowledge scavenger hunt and other activities. On the opening ceremony, students and teaching staffs from different countries participated in various performances to showcase the unique culture of different regions, attracting more than 200 UM students and staffs taking part in the activities. Performances on the ceremony covered both traditional and popular songs, dance, music as well as folk shows with a wide range of languages including Cantonese, English, Portuguese and Japanese, which impressed audiences a lot.

Aiming at allowing participants to deeply experience the charm of Chinese calligraphy art which is not only the expression art of Chinese culture but also the treasure of world culture, CCHC introduced the Chinese Ink Art Calligraphy Experience Workshop in the Day. In the workshop, participants actively gave full play to their imagination with calligraphy to create on the round fans and bookmarks, integrating their personal creativity and aesthetic taste. With help of calligraphy teachers, they independently completed many calligraphy works, from which they understood the infinite charm of traditional calligraphy culture, experienced the ancient charm of the brush writing, and felt the line art of Chinese aesthetics.


Ultural Exchange Extravaganza Organized by CCHC and Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Carried out via live streaming on 22 March, 2023, Online Trip to Erlitou Site of the Xia Capital is one of the series activities of 2022 Henan-Macao Youth Cultural Exchange which is jointly organized by Centre for Chinses History and Culture (CCHC) and Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. The online trip was held by Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and Erlitou Site Museum of the Xia Capital, with full support and active participation from Zhengzhou University, Henan University, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Henan Polytechnic University, Stanley Ho East Asia College of University of Macau, Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College of University of Macau, Shiu Pong College of University of Macau.

Audiences in Centre for Chinses History and Culture of UM

Audiences in Stanley Ho East Asia College of UM

Audiences in Ma Mam Kei and Lo Pak Sam College of UM


Located in Yanshi District, Luoyang City, Henan Province, Erlitou Site of the Xia Capital is known as the core and leader of Chinese civilization, which has important reference value for the study of the origin of Chinese civilization, the rise of the country, the origin of the city, the construction of the king’s capital, the customization of the palace and other major issues. And young audiences in both Henan and Macao were led to explore the Source of China and Earliest China in Luoyang via the online trip.



During the live streaming, WU Zhiyuan, the Deputy-Dean of School of History at Zhengzhou University, combed through the history of the Xia Dynasty for audiences and introduced the archaeological process and achievements of Xia in detail. Ms. SUN Chenjiao and Mr. XI Le showed audiences around the museum and the site, delivering a detailed explanation on relevant history of Xia and introduced the site excavation for them. Through the online trip, teachers and students of CCHC obtained a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture.


Group photo of audiences in CCHC

“The Inaugural Ceremony of the Second Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador Team” was successfully held.

On March 21, 2023, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture of the University of Macao successfully hosted “The Inauguration Ceremony of the Second Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador Team”. The guests present at the ceremony were Prof. Zhu Shoutong, Director of the Center for Chinese History and Culture, Dr. Cheang Neng Lan, Deputy Director of the Center for Chinese History and Culture, Prof. Sio Chio Leong, Director of Academic Research Division, Prof. Yeung Siu Kwai, Director of Editorial and Publication Division, and Ms. Kuan Siu Yin, Principal Administrative Officer.

During this ceremony, Prof. Zhu Shutong, Director of the Center, stated that the Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassadors are based in Macao, including Macao’s universities, middle schools and primary schools, and are open to the Macao society. The purpose of setting up the Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador Team is to cultivate and deepen young people’s love for China and Macao, as well as to deepen their understanding of China and Macao’s history and culture, so that they can truly appreciate the characteristics and heritage of Chinese culture and Macao’s local culture. The reason for calling them ambassadors has a special meaning. Although the term “messenger” can also be used, the role of “messenger” is only responsible for conveying the consciousness of the main body; whereas “ambassadors” can not only convey the consciousness, but also incorporate their own initiative, so that they can further their studies and experience, and can promote Chinese culture and Macao’s local culture independently and proactively.

Prof. Zhu Shoutong delivered a speech

Dr. Cheang Neng Lan said that the activities of the Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador Team are colorful. Internal activities include Chinese culture study courses, lectures, etc., aiming at improving the ambassadors’ knowledge of Chinese culture, which is more conducive to the dissemination and export of Chinese culture. The external activities involve exchanges between schools and study tours to the Mainland.

Dr. Cheang Neng Lan delivered a speech

During this event, the previous ambassadors were invited to share their experiences, encouraging and hoping that the new ambassadors would learn and enjoy the process. The new ambassadors also have a strong interest in Chinese culture and are looking forward to the commencement of the ambassadors’ activities.

Previous Ambassadors sharing their experience

Guests and Ambassadors

Group Photo

HKP Students and Teachers visit CCHC

On 10 March, 2023 (Friday), accompanied by Prof. CHEUNG Kwok Cheung, the Interim College Master of Moon Chun Memorial College, teachers and students from Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School (HKP) visited the Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) at University of Macau with the warm welcome from Dr. CHEANG Neng Ian, the Deputy Director of CCHC, and Ms. KUAN Sio In, the Principal Admin Officer of CCHC. During the visiting, HKP team learned about the main work of the Centre, having better understanding of the spirit of Chinese history and culture in such pleasant atmosphere.


1 中學生美好的一天:書院生活體驗在滿珍-–-濠江中學附屬英才學校

Liu Haisu Art Education Symposium Held at CCHC

Liu Haisu Art Education Symposium and the 1st General meeting of Liu Haisu International Art Research Association was jointly held by Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of University of Macau and Liu Haisu International Art Research Association on 9 March, 2023 (Thursday), to review LIU’s artistic life.

Some guests attended the meeting in person, including Prof. ZHU Shutong, Director of CCHC, Ms. LIU Chan, daughter of LIU Haisu and a famous painter, Mr. WANG Haitao, Director of Lotus Times, Mr. SHI Yuxing, editor of A Drop in the Ocean (a memorial colum for LIU Haisu in Lotus Times), Prof. HE Zhihui, Professor of Macao Polytechnic University, Prof. TAM Sik Chung, Interim College Master of Shui Pong College, Prof. LEONG Lam Po, Director of Centre for Arts and Design, while Ms. WOO Shing Fung, the Vice-President of National Conditions Education Association (Macau) joined the discussion via zoom.

For the discussion, Prof. ZHU began by thanking all members of Liu Haisu International Art Research Association for coming and gave a brief introduction to LIU’ s achievements in culture and literature. When Ms. LIU Chan talked about her father, she expressed her admiration for him as a great painter who not only devoted himself to learning excellent western painting skills in order to bring a new atmosphere to the Chinese art circle but also was committed to promoting traditional Chinese painting to the world, while remaining an outstanding Chinese cultural heritage for young people. Thereafter, Mr. SHI Yuxing, Ms. WOO Shing Fung, Prof. LEONG Lam Po, Prof. TAM Sik Chung, Prof. HE Zhihui, Ms. MIO U Kit and student representatives discussed the deeds of Master LIU respectively.

In the end, Mr. WANG Haitao concluded the discussion with an expression of hope that Master LIU’s art could be promoted and inherited in Macao since he integrated Chinese and Western painting art and Macao is also a place of cultural exchange between China and the West. During the symposium, Prof. ZHU was awarded the Honorary Advisor certificate by President LIU Chan to be appointed as the first honorary advisor of Liu Haisu International Art Research Association.


1 劉海栗藝術教育座談會澳大舉行